We have found 905 restaurant inspection results in Dorchester, Boston.

Database contains 7784 restaurants registered in Boston along with their inspections results. This data was provided by Boston Health Division of the Department of Inspectional Services and last updated on Jan 07, 2019.
Restaurant Name Address
Subway 560 Washington St, Dorchester, Ma 2124
No. 1 Chinese Restaurant 914 Morton St, Dorchester, Ma 2124
Beach House Cafe 789A Adams St, Dorchester, Ma 2124
I Party No. 69 8 Allstate Rd, Dorchester, Ma 2125
Marisco El Buchu 202 Humboldt Ave, Dorchester, Ma 2121
Al Prime Energy 497 Gallivan Blvd, Dorchester, Ma 2124
Luna Fitness Club 735 William T Morrissey Blvd, Dorchester, Ma 2122
Stop'n'gos Inc. 970 Washington St, Dorchester, Ma 2124
Ashmont Convenience Store 1996 Dorchester Av, Dorchester, Ma 2124
Marshall's No. 566 8 Allstate Rd, Dorchester, Ma 2125
Stop & Shop/dunkin Donuts No. 18 535 Freeport St, Dorchester, Ma 2122
Garifuna Cafe 143 Washington St, Dorchester, Ma 2121
Canton House 1728 Dorchester Ave, Dorchester, Ma 2124
Poppa B's Restaurant 1100 Blue Hill Ave, Dorchester, Ma 2124
Afc Sushi Bar @ Umass Boston 100 Wm T Morrissey Bl, Dorchester, Ma 2125
Blue Hill Variety Store 764 Blue Hill Ave, Dorchester, Ma 2124
Caribbean Rhythm Restaurant 736 Blue Hill Ave, Dorchester, Ma 2121
Adams Village Shell 761 Adams St, Dorchester, Ma 2124
Burger King 1204 Dorchester Ave, Dorchester, Ma 2125
Matos Market 140 Norfolk St, Dorchester, Ma 2124
Tri Seafood Restaurant 1616 Dorchester Ave, Dorchester, Ma 2122
McDonalds 500 Geneva Ave, Dorchester, Ma 2122
Raphael Caribbean Cuisine 487 Washington St, Dorchester, Ma 2124
Diallo's Halal Meat 11 Erie St, Dorchester, Ma 2121
McDonalds 605 Washington St, Dorchester, Ma 2124
Subway 1576 Dorchester Ave, Dorchester, Ma 2122
77 Restaurant 1331 Dorchester Av, Dorchester, Ma 2122
Greenhills Bakery 780 Adams St, Dorchester, Ma 2122
Nevilles Bakery & Restaurant 422 Geneva Ave, Dorchester, Ma 2122
Cataloni's 8 Hancock St, Dorchester, Ma 2125
Kriola Bar & Restaurant 33 Hancock St, Dorchester, Ma 2125
Twelve Bens 315 Adams St, Dorchester, Ma 2122
Island Style Inc. 183 Washington St, Dorchester, Ma 2121
Savin Hill Specialities 1051 Dorchester Av, Dorchester, Ma 2125
Natera Grocery 466 Talbot Ave, Dorchester, Ma 2122
Rosedale Grocery 547 Washington St, Dorchester, Ma 2124
Nhu Lan Fast Food 1155 Dorchester Ave, Dorchester, Ma 2125
The Bowery 2261 Dorchester Ave, Dorchester, Ma 2124
D'benny Market 200 Adams St, Dorchester, Ma 2122
Prestige Cuisine 924 Morton St, Dorchester, Ma 2124