
PPLSCANNER provides a searchable public records database with more than 200 million records. This data includes marketing data, property records, business registration records, government employee salaries, patent applications and much more.
Marketing Data, Property Records, Business Registration Records, Public Salaries, Patent Applications and Much More!


Database of more than 54 million payroll records from government sources. This free public research tool is providing United States citizens access to millions of government compensation records. You can easily find out what is the salary of almost every government employee, check what is the average, median salary etc.
GovSalaries provides a searchable nationwide salaries database of more than 50 million salaries records from over 60k sources. This data usually includes name, surname, monthly wage, annual wage and employer statistics.
Visit GovSalaries


Database of more than 30 million parcel records from government sources. Thanks to this website you can check what's the value of parcels in area, check sale price and sale date and even check who is the owner of the parce.
ParcelLookup provides a searchable nationwide parcels database of more than 30 million parcel records from over 23k counties. This data usually includes land value, building value and parcel owner.
Visit ParcelLookup


UsCorporates the largest open database of companies in The United States, with in excess of 30 million companies.

Check information about companies in United States - address, registration number, registration date, status etc.
Information about directors and secretaries appointed in company - dates of appointment and date of resignation, current appointments etc.
You can search companies with our easy to use search engine - check what other companies in United States have the same name etc.
Visit UsCorporates