Restaurant Information

Facility ID 2060018134
Restaurant Name Lempira Restaurant- Central
Phone Number
Last Inspection Date 2015-12-17
Last Inspection Score 95

Inspection Results

Inspection Date Score Type
2018-11-28 91 routine
2018-07-23 followup
2018-07-13 90 routine
2018-05-29 90 routine
2018-02-12 followup
2018-02-07 92 routine
2017-11-20 followup
2017-11-16 followup
2017-11-13 91 routine
2017-09-13 followup
2017-09-06 91 routine
2017-04-21 92 routine
2017-02-08 91 routine
2016-12-02 92 routine
2016-09-26 90 routine
2016-03-24 90 routine
2016-01-27 complaint
2015-12-23 followup
2015-12-17 95 routine
2015-07-20 93 routine
2015-02-04 followup
2015-01-27 93 routine
Violation Date Code Description
2018-11-28 53 6-501.11 floors, walls, and ceilings including the attachments such as soap and towel dispensers; light fixtures; and heat/ac vents shall be maintained in good repair. observed tiles missing in can wash. -0 points-
2018-11-28 49 5-205.15 maintain a plumbing system in good repair. observed water line leaking and faucet on prep sink leaking.
2018-11-28 47 4-601.11(c )/4-602.13 keep the equipment clean to avoid build up of dust, food residue or debris. observed shelving in walk in and equipment in need of cleaning.
2018-11-28 45 4-501.11 maintain equipment in good repair. observed gasket in need of replacement throughout facility.
2018-11-28 31 3-501.15 quickly cool foods. use methods such as open/vented shallow pans, large ice baths and active stirring. cold air must flow around product to remove the heat. -pf observed chicken for tacos cooled in to great of volume and covered. cdi time exp
2018-11-28 21 3-501.18 discard the food requiring date labels once time/temperature window has expired, if it is not been labeled, or if the label is incorrect. -p observed cooked yucca and tamales in low boy and in walk in dated 11-19-18 which is greater than 7 day
2018-11-28 20 3-501.16(a)(2) maintain tcs foods in cold holding at 45f or less. -p observed four flats of eggs on counter at 56 degrees . cdi took eggs to walk in and they were 45 degrees by end of inspection.
2018-11-28 18 3-501.14(a) quickly cool cooked foods within 2 hours from 135f to 70f; and within a total of 6 hours from 135f to 45f. -p observed chicken for tacos cooled from last night at 58 degrees. cdi discarded.
2018-07-13 1 2-102.12 pic shall demonstrate knowledge by being a certified food protection manager. observed no ceritified food protection manager on duty at time of inspection.
2018-07-13 8 6-301.12 provide paper towels or approved alternative for hand drying at each handsink. -pf observed no paper towels at front hand wash at beginning of inspection . cdi paper towels replaced.
2018-07-13 14 4-501.114 maintain sanitizer at correct concentrations when being used to sanitize. -p observed manual washing of dishes without mesuarable concentration of chlorine sanitizer. cdi emptied sink and remixed sanitizer to proper concentration.
2018-07-13 38 2-402.11 use head coverings, beard guards and clothing to restrain body hair from contacting exposed food, equipment, and utensils. observed one cook working without hair restraint. cdi pic had employee put on hair restraint. -0 points-
2018-07-13 6 2-301.14 wash hands after handling soiled equipment or utensils and before food preparation, handling clean equipment and utensils and unwrapped single-use/single-service articles. -p observed dishwasher handle dirty dishes and then handle clean dishes w
2018-07-13 46 4-302.14 provide a test kit that accurately measures sanitizer concentrations. -pf observed no test kit available for chlorine sanitizer . 10 day verification required.
2018-07-13 47 4-601.11(c )/4-602.13 keep the equipment clean to avoid build up of dust, food residue or debris. observed build up of food debris in gasket of prep units and on faces of equipment . general cleaning needed.
2018-07-13 52 5-501.113(b) keep dumpster, outside waste containers covered with tight-fitting lids or doors. observed dumpster lids open at time of inspeciton. repeat.5-501.115 maintaining refuse areas and enclosures - c dumpster area in need of cleaning due to odor
2018-07-13 45 4-501.11 maintain equipment in good repair. observed two gaskets on prep unit and gasket on walkin cooler in need of replacement.
2018-05-29 6 2-301.14 wash hands after activities that contaminate them. -p observed employee hand raw food and then handle ready to eat food withou glove change and handwash. cdi ready to eat food discarded and hands washed and gloves changed.
2018-05-29 8 5-205.11 maintain access to handsinks. handsinks may only be used for handwashing.-pf observed numerous items in handsinks throughout the facility. cdi removed items from hand sinks and advised that handsinks were for handwashing only.
2018-05-29 14 4-501.111 manual warewashing equipment, hot water sanitization temperatures - p observed dishmachine not reaching proper temperature for sanitizing of dishware. cdi moved to washing in dishmachine and sanitzing in three compartement sink. 10 day verifi
2018-05-29 31 3-501.15 quickly cool foods. use methods such as open/vented shallow pans, large ice baths and active stirring. cold air must flow around product to remove the heat. -pf observed beans, salsas, tamales and soups cooled in too great of volume per surfac
2018-05-29 18 3-501.14(a) quickly cool cooked foods within 2 hours from 135f to 70f; and within a total of 6 hours from 135f to 45f. -p observed beans, salsas, tamales, cooled from last night not below 45 degrees. cdi discarded all products see chart above.
2018-05-29 47 4-601.11(c )/4-602.13 keep the equipment clean to avoid build up of dust, food residue or debris. observed kitchen equipment in need of cleaning due to build up of food debris.
2018-05-29 52 5-501.113(b) keep dumpster, outside waste containers covered with tight-fitting lids or doors. observed dumpster too full and unable to close.
2018-05-29 45 4-501.11 maintain equipment in good repair. observed gaskets in need of replacement.
2018-02-07 42 4-901.11(a) air dry equipment and utensils after cleaning and sanitizing. observed multiple wet nested pots and pans in the clean dish area. items such as these must be allowed to air dry before stacking to prevent moisture presence that may harbor patho
2018-02-07 4 2-401.11 cover and store employee drinks to prevent contamination of food or utensils. observed employee beverages stored on prep surfaces and above items such as clean utensils and food products. items were moved during inspection. repeat violation
2018-02-07 8 6-301.12 provide paper towels or approved alternative for hand drying at each handsink. -pf observed no paper towels present at the rear salsa area handsink. refilled during inspection.
2018-02-07 13 3-302.11(a) separate raw animal foods from ready-to-eat foods. -p observed packaged containers of raw chorizo on a top shelf of a walk in cooler rack. item was stored over ready to eat items such as cheeses and cut cabbage. chorizo containers were moved
2018-02-07 39 3-304.14(b) hold in-use wiping cloths in sanitizer between uses. observed wet wiping cloths stored under cutting boards to provide a non-slipping surface. using absorbant, wet cloths in this manner provides a vehicle of cross contamination. provide a no
2018-02-07 45 4-501.11 maintain equipment in good repair. observed gasket damage on several coolers. observed rice cooker handle damaged, observed one lid to dry storage container of beans damaged.
2018-02-07 20 3-501.16(a)(2) maintain tcs foods in cold holding at 45f or less. -p observed several whole, raw tilapia left out on a prep sink while cook staff were busy grilling/preparing food items. tilapia had reached a temperature of 48f. at ehs behest staff move
2018-02-07 47 4-601.11(c )/4-602.13 keep the equipment clean to avoid build up of dust, food residue or debris. observed grease/food debris present on cooler gaskets, sides of equipment.
2018-02-07 46 4-501.18 keep the wash, rinse, and sanitize solutions clean. observed chlorine sanitizer vat that was actively in use murky. refilled during inspection. once the solution becomes unclear/soiled, it must be refilled with clean solution.
2018-02-07 49 5-205.15 maintain a plumbing system in good repair. observed prep sink faucet stem repaired with rubber bands and a plastic bag, as well as the three compartment sink repaired in the same manner to prevent leakage. properly repair items.
2018-02-07 52 5-501.113(b) keep dumpster, outside waste containers covered with tight-fitting lids or doors. observed outside dumpster doors open.5-501.115 discard items and litter stored in the waste areas and enclosures as they are not necessary to operation and main
2018-02-07 53 6-501.12 floors, walls, ceilings including the attachments such as soap, towel dispensers; light fixtures; and heat/ac vent covers shall be clean. caution should be used to minimize food exposure. observed standing water present near the rear can wash ar
2017-11-13 1 the person in charge does not have a certificate for passing an ansi-accredited program for food protection managers. 2-102.12 certified food protection manager
2017-11-13 4 2-401.11 cover and store employee drinks to prevent contamination of food or utensils. observed employee beverage stored above a prep sink containing fish. beverage was moved to a lower storage area where no contamination of utensils, food, or food servi
2017-11-13 8 6-301.14 handwashing signage - c observed handwashing signage faded on multiple sinks such that it is no longer readable. each handsink must have signage indicated that employees must wash hands. handsinks were observed otherwise supplied and accessible,
2017-11-13 13 3-302.11(a) separate raw animal foods from ready-to-eat foods. -p observed a container of raw chorizo and a container raw bacon stored over a covred metal pan of ceviche. ceviche was moved to a separate area of the cooler as it is considered ready to eat
2017-11-13 26 7-102.11 label working containers of toxic materials such as cleaners and sanitizers.-pf observed multiple bottles of cleaning solutions and degreasers not labelled. all spray bottles must be laabelled as to the contents of the container. ehs will compl
2017-11-13 21 3-501.18 discard the food requiring date labels once time/temperature window has expired, if it is not been labeled, or if the label is incorrect. -p observed one container of frijoles dated for 11/6/17, indicating that the frijoles had exceeded datemarki
2017-11-13 39 3-304.14(b) hold in-use wiping cloths in sanitizer between uses. observed several in-use cloths left on shelves and other surfaces, as well as being kept on kitchen staff aprons. repeat violation.
2017-11-13 42 4-901.11(a) air dry equipment and utensils after cleaning and sanitizing. observed wet stacked metal and plastic containers in the dish area. repeat violation.
2017-11-13 47 4-601.11(c )/4-602.13 keep the equipment clean to avoid build up of dust, food residue or debris. observed exterior of several large plastic containers with food debris present. observed gaskets on equipment, and sides of various kitchen equipment collec
2017-11-13 52 5-501.113(b) keep dumpster, outside waste containers covered with tight-fitting lids or doors. observed sliding side dumpster doors open at time of inspection. doors were closed by ehs.
2017-11-13 37 3-305.11 store food in a clean, dry location, not exposed to contamination. keep at least 6 inches above the floor. observed several bags of flour and a container of nachos stored on the floor of the dry goods closet. all food products must be kept 6 in
2017-09-06 36 6-501.111 keep the premises free of insects, rodents, and other pests. observed two live, small cockroaches present underneath the grill area. ensure that proper cleanliness and pest control efforts are being utlized.
2017-09-06 8 6-301.12 provide paper towels or approved alternative for hand drying at each handsink. -pf observed no paper towels at the salsa cooler area handsink. towels provided during inspection. ensure that paper towels are provided at all handsinks at all time
2017-09-06 1 2-102.12 pic shall demonstrate knowledge by being a certified food protection manager. observed no certified persons at time of inspection.
2017-09-06 13 3-302.11(a)(4) protect food in storage using covered containers, intact wrappings, or packaging. observed container of fried chicken not covered in the walk in cooler. item was covered by plastic wrap by employee. ensure that lids, plastic wraps, or oth
2017-09-06 21 3-501.17 date mark/label all tcs foods that are ready-to-eat once opened or prepared and held more than 24hrs. -pf observed two containers of cooked, shredded chicken not date marked at time of inspection. employee stated that they had been prepared the
2017-09-06 34 4-302.12 provide an accessible thermometer for use. provide a thin probe thermometer for accurate measure of thin foods.-pf observed no thin probe thermometer available at time of inspection. ehs will verify by 9/15/17 that the facility has acquired such
2017-09-06 39 3-304.14(b) hold in-use wiping cloths in sanitizer between uses. observed several wiping cloths stored on prep areas and outside of sanitizer containers throughout facility.
2017-09-06 52 5-501.113(b) keep dumpster, outside waste containers covered with tight-fitting lids or doors. observed side dumpster doors ajar at time of inspection.
2017-09-06 42 4-901.11(a) air dry equipment and utensils after cleaning and sanitizing. observed heavy wet stacking of dishes and utensils throughout the dish storage area.
2017-09-06 45 4-501.11 maintain equipment in good repair. observed several broken gaskets on cooler doors, observed cooler doors broken/missing, observed a cooler non-functioning stored with non-tcs foods inside at the ice machine area.
2017-09-06 46 4-302.14 provide a test kit that accurately measures sanitizer concentrations. -pf observed no sanitizer test kit available at time of inspection. ehs will verify by 9/15/17 that the facility has acquired such a test kit..
2017-09-06 47 4-601.11(c )/4-602.13 keep the equipment clean to avoid build up of dust, food residue or debris. observed gaskets, storage racks, dry storage racks, equipment and equipment surfaces collecting debris/food residue and in need of cleaning.
2017-09-06 53 6-501.12 floors, walls, ceilings including the attachments such as soap, towel dispensers; light fixtures; and heat/ac vent covers shall be clean. caution should be used to minimize food exposure. observed floors in the prep and cooler areas in need of c
2017-09-06 41 3-304.12 store in-use utensils in a clean, dry place, in food with handles out, in 135f or greater water or in running water which quickly moves food particles to the drain. observed several dry goods containers with handle-less scoops. provide scooping
2017-04-21 19 3-501.16(a)(1) maintain tcs foods in hot holding at 135f or above. -p observed fried chicken, grilled vegetables such as onions, and fried sausages at less than 135f in the kitchen area. items were left out of temperature controls. items were discarded
2017-04-21 1 2-102.12 pic shall demonstrate knowledge by being a certified food protection manager. pic not certified at time of inspection.
2017-04-21 2 2-103.11(m) ensure food employees are informed of their responsibility to report required symptoms, illnesses and exposure. -pf pic at time of inspection was unable to produce or state an employee health policy. ehs emailed standard and spanish policy t
2017-04-21 7 3-301.11(b) do not contact exposed ready-to-eat food with bare hands. use suitable utensils, single-use gloves or dispensing equipment. -p observed employee attempt to plate ceviche salad plate with bare hands. employee stopped by ehs and pic. employee
2017-04-21 26 7-102.11 label working containers of toxic materials such as cleaners and sanitizers.-pf observed multiple unlabelled chemical spray bottles. items labelled by pic. all spray bottles and chemical containers should be labelled with the name of the product
2017-04-21 14 4-601.11(a) equipment food contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. -pf observed tomato dice soiled with tomato debris while stored as clean, ensure that all food contact surfaces are cleaned after each use. cdi by rewash.
2017-04-21 42 4-901.11(a) air dry equipment and utensils after cleaning and sanitizing. observed multiple wet stacked pots and pans. items were pyramid stacked by pic. ensure that items are allowed to air dry before stacking.
2017-04-21 37 3-305.11 store food in a clean, dry location, not exposed to contamination. keep at least 6 inches above the floor. observed a box of plantains on the floor of the kitchen area. item moved to a rack. all food related items should be kept 6 inches off t
2017-04-21 45 4-501.11 maintain equipment in good repair. observed rusted shelving in the walk in cooler.
2017-04-21 52 5-501.113(b) keep dumpster, outside waste containers covered with tight-fitting lids or doors. observed dumpster doors open at time of inspection.
2017-04-21 54 6-501.14 change the filters and clean the intake and exhaust air ducts so they are not a source of contamination by dust, dirt or other materials. air ducts in kitchen observed with heavy amount of dust accumulated.
2017-02-08 41 3-304.12 store in-use utensils in a clean, dry place, in food with handles out, in 135f or greater water or in running water which quickly moves food particles to the drain. observed sugar scoop stored with handle in contact with the food product. ehs rem
2017-02-08 26 7-102.11 label working containers of toxic materials such as cleaners and sanitizers.-pf observed unlabelled generic spray bottle containing bleach. item labelled by employee
2017-02-08 21 3-501.17 date mark/label all tcs foods that are ready-to-eat once opened or prepared and held more than 24hrs. -pf observed salsa containers, and one pan of cooked chicken without a date written on the sticker. items were marked with blue date tape, but
2017-02-08 19 3-501.16(a)(1) maintain tcs foods in hot holding at 135f or above. -p observed chicken wings under a heat lamp in the prep area. employee stated that they had been left out overnight without any temp controls, and were going to be discarded. item was dis
2017-02-08 14 4-601.11(a) equipment food contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. -pf observed a pair of dirty tongs stored as clean in the dish area. item was rewashed. ensure that all items are thoroughly cleaned during the wash process. dir
2017-02-08 13 3-302.11(a) separate the different types of raw animal foods. -p observed raw chicken stored over raw beef in the walk in cooler. raw chicken items should not be stored over any other food items. no other storage violations noted. cdi by employee reorga
2017-02-08 8 5-205.11 maintain access to handsinks. handsinks may only be used for handwashing.-pf observed pot of water and a whetstone stored inside the prep sink area handsink. items were removed. handsinks shall not be used for storage and must be accessible at
2017-02-08 1 2-102.12 pic shall demonstrate knowledge by being a certified food protection manager. observed no certified persons at time of inspection.
2016-12-02 4 2-401.11 eating, drinking, or using tobacco - c observed bottled drinks stored throughout the kitchen and prep areas. insure that employees are using cups with a lid and a straw, to prevent hand and environment contamination.
2016-12-02 13 3-302.11(a)(4) protect food in storage using covered containers, intact wrappings, or packaging. observed a tray of chile relleno stored in the freezer with no lid or protective cover. insure that items in storage are kept protected from contamination.
2016-12-02 26 7-102.11 label working containers of toxic materials such as cleaners and sanitizers.-pf observed degreaser spray bottle unlabelled, cdi by employee labelling item.
2016-12-02 14 4-601.11(a) equipment food contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. -pf observed an interior part of the cheese grating device soiled with residue. insure this item is cleaned thoroughly, removing any dried debris, after use. cdi
2016-12-02 33 3-501.13 use approved thawing methods. observed frozen chicken thawing under no temperature controls. cdi by employee placing item under cold running water.
2016-12-02 45 4-502.11(a) maintain utensils in good repair. observed several utensils and pans with burn/scorch marks. replace or repair these items as they are damaged.
2016-09-26 52 5-501.113(b) keep dumpster, outside waste containers covered with tight-fitting lids or doors. observed grease bin lid open.
2016-09-26 45 4-501.11 maintain equipment in good repair. observed water leaking from ceiling of walk-in cooler onto floor. repair. pic must make sure that water is not contaminating food in storage. area received heavy rain this a.m.
2016-09-26 41 3-304.12 store in-use utensils in a clean, dry place, in food with handles out, in 135f or greater water or in running water which quickly moves food particles to the drain. observed knives stored between equipment on cook line.
2016-09-26 37 3-305.11 store food in a clean, dry location, not exposed to contamination. keep at least 6 inches above the floor. observed containers of raw animal foods stored on the floor in the walk-in cooler. observed floor of walk-in cooler to be wet. observed wa
2016-09-26 20 3-501.16(a)(2) maintain tcs foods in cold holding at 45f or less. -p observed sliced tomatoes, chopped lettuce, chopped cabbage, all stored in flip-top prep cooler > 45f. cdi by voluntary discard by pic.
2016-09-26 19 3-501.16(a)(1) maintain tcs foods in hot holding at 135f or above. -p observed sausages, cooked jalepeno peppers, and fried chicken, stored on line off of temperature control < 135f. cdi by voluntary discard by pic.
2016-09-26 13 3-302.11(a)(4) protect food in storage using covered containers, intact wrappings, or packaging. observed several food items in storage in walk-in cooler without cover. cdi by adding cover to food items.
2016-09-26 8 6-301.12 provide paper towels or approved alternative for hand drying at each handsink. -pf observed 2 handwash sinks without hand towels. cdi added hand towels.6-301.11 provide soap for handwashing at each handsink. -pf observed 2 handwash sinks without
2016-09-26 1 2-102.12 pic demonstrates knowledge by being a certified food protection manager. pic is not a certified food protection manager. owner arrived at the end of the inspection.
2016-03-24 8 5-202.12 handwashing sinks, installation - pf- observed broken/non-functioning hands sinks in bar and line/prep area> repair asap. verification required.5-205.11 using a handwashing sink-operation and maintenance - pf-observed blocked hand sink in kitch
2016-03-24 14 4-601.11 (a) equipment, food-contact surfaces, nonfood-contact surfaces, and utensils - p observed very heavy build-up on tea dispenser nozzle. cdi-tea dumped and cleaned
2016-03-24 1 2-101.11 assignment - pf observed no pic upon arrival. when i asked if manager was on duty-3 hostesses said no. when i went into kitchen and asked if anyone was in charge 3 kitchen employees said no. cdi-manager and owner showed up during inspection.
2016-03-24 21 3-501.18 ready-to-eat potentially hazardous food (time/temperature control for safety food), disposition - p observed refried beans in walk-in date marked 3/16. dispose of rte food after 7 days if stored at 41 or below. (4days if 42-45f). cdi- voluntar
2016-03-24 31 3-501.15 cooling methods - pf observed flan cooling in dessert refrigerator. cdi-directed pic that dessert cooler is not for cooling food. cool flan in walk-in or reach-in coolers before putting into dessert cooler.
2016-03-24 19 3-501.16 (a)(1) potentially hazardous food (time/temperature control for safety food), hot and cold holding - p observed chicken wings on pass through. pic stated they were from last night. dispose of food more quickly that is designated as garbage. l
2016-03-24 42 4-901.11 equipment and utensils, air-drying required - c observed employee wiping silverware with rag. air dry only, do not wipe. if silver spotty use rinse aid.
2016-03-24 51 5-501.17 toilet room receptacle, covered - c observed no covered receptacles in bathrooms.
2016-03-24 52 5-501.13 receptacles - c observed dumpster lid open. grease container lid open. keep lids and doors closed.
2016-03-24 54 6-202.12 heating, ventilation, air conditioning system vents - c observed heavy dust build-up on vents throughout facility
2016-03-24 34 4-203.12 temperature measuring devices, ambient air and water-accuracy - pf observed no food thermometers in flan cooler (digital not reading correctly) and wait area reach-in. verification required.
2015-12-17 8 6-301.11 provide soap for handwashing at each handsink. -pf observed handsink in operation without hand soap in bar area. cdi by adding soap.5-202.12 provide at least 100f water at handsinks.-pf observed hot water below 100f in womens restroom. vr requir
2015-12-17 13 3-302.11(a) separate the different types of raw animal foods. -p observed raw chicken stored over raw beef steak in walk-in cooler. cdi by rearranging order of food items.3-302.11(a)(4) protect food in storage using covered containers, intact wrappings,
2015-12-17 14 4-501.114 maintain sanitizer at correct concentrations. -p observed sanitizer spray bottle testing 0ppm for chlorine sanitizer. observed qac sanitizer in 3 compartment sink testing 0ppm. sanitizer dispenser is connected directly to hot water line. sanitiz
2015-12-17 21 3-501.18 discard the food requiring date labels once time/temperature window has expired, if it is not been labeled, or if the label is incorrect. -p observed tamales stored in walk-in cooler date marked to 12-7-15. cdi voluntary discard.
2015-12-17 26 7-201.11 store toxic materials to avoid contamination. -p observed sanitizer spray bottles and wiping cloth buckets stored on or above food prep surfaces. cdi by storing below tables.
2015-12-17 42 4-901.11(a) air dry equipment and utensils after cleaning and sanitizing. observed employee towel drying cleaned utensils.
2015-12-17 52 5-501.113(b) keep dumpster, outside waste containers covered with tight-fitting lids or doors. observed dumpster doors open.
2015-12-17 53 6-501.11 floors, walls, and ceilings including the attachments such as soap and towel dispensers; light fixtures; and heat/ac vents shall be maintained in good repair. observed water leaking from roof into walk-in cooler. repair- see item # 13
2015-12-17 54 6-202.11 shield the lights or provide shatter-resistant bulbs in areas of exposed food, equipment, utensils, linens or single-use articles. observed unshieled light in hood.
2015-12-17 47 4-601.11(c )/4-602.13 keep the equipment clean to avoid build up of dust, food residue or debris. observed food residue build-up on can opener holder. observed sticker residue on containers stored as clean.
2015-07-20 8 5-205.11 maintain access to handsinks. handsinks may only be used for handwashing.-pf observed utensil stored in handwash sink. observed food debris in handwash sink. cdi by cleaning out handwash sink and informed pic not to use handwash sinks as dump si
2015-07-20 20 3-501.16(a)(2) maintain tcs foods in cold holding at 45f or less. -p observed lettuce stored in prep cooler > 45f. observed milk stored in drink cooler behind bar > 45f. cdi added ice to lettuce, voluntary discard of milk by pic.
2015-07-20 21 3-501.17 date mark/label all tcs foods that are ready-to-eat once opened or prepared and held more than 24hrs. -pf observed stuffed poblano peppers stored without date mark. cdi by date marking.3-501.18 discard the food requiring date labels once time/tem
2015-07-20 26 7-102.11 label working containers of toxic materials such as cleaners and sanitizers.-pf observed unlabeled spray bottle of chlorine bleach. cdi by labeling.
2015-07-20 38 2-402.11 use head coverings, beard guards and clothing to restrain body hair from contacting exposed food, equipment, and utensils. observed food employee preparing food on line without hair restraint.
2015-07-20 39 3-304.14(b) hold in-use wiping cloths in sanitizer between uses. observed wet wiping cloths stored on work surfaces.
2015-07-20 43 4-903.11(a) store single-use and single-service articles to prevent contamination and at least 6 inches off the floor. observed single service items stored on the floor in storage room (dining room).
2015-07-20 47 4-601.11(c )/4-602.13 keep the equipment clean to avoid build up of dust, food residue or debris. observed food debris build-up on shelving units, inside microwave.
2015-07-20 41 3-304.12 store in-use utensils in a clean, dry place, in food with handles out, in 135f or greater water or in running water which quickly moves food particles to the drain. observed ice scoop stored in dirty scoop holder on ice machine.
2015-01-27 6 2-301.12. follow the cleaning procedure to adequately wash your hands. use paper towel to turn off water in order to prevent recontamination of hands. observed employee use bare hands to turn off water. obseved employee quickly rinse hands without soap
2015-01-27 54 6-202.11 shield the lights or provide shatter-resistant bulbs in areas of exposed food, equipment, utensils, linens or single-use articles. observed light bulbs over server station area not shatter proof.6-303.11 provide at least 50 ft candles of lightin
2015-01-27 53 floors, walls and ceilings shall be designed, constructed, and installed so they are smooth and easily cleanable. observed ceiling tiles above chip warmer/server station not easily cleanable. replace with vinyl coated cleanable tiles. server station wa
2015-01-27 49 5-205.15 maintain a plumbing system in good repair. observed cold water at hand sink near chip warmer not working. hand sink was added after permit was issued. verification required.
2015-01-27 45 4-501.11 maintain equipment in good repair. observed leak in ceiling of walk in cooler and walk in freezer with water dripping from ceiling in cooler and ice build up in freezer. observed broken prep unit in kitchen. unit is being taken to be repaired
2015-01-27 42 4-903.11 store cleaned equipment, utensils, linens and packages in a clean, dry location and at least 6 inches off the floor. observed ice wands used for cooling stored on floor in walk in freezer. cdi by taking to 3 compartment sink to be rewashed. ob
2015-01-27 26 7-102.11 label working containers of toxic materials such as cleaners and sanitizers. observed two spray bottles of unknown chemicals without labels. cdi discarding chemical. 7-204.11 provide sanitizer at correct concentrations, diluting as required.
2015-01-27 21 3-501.17 date mark/label all tcs foods that are ready-to-eat once opened or prepared and held more than 24hrs. observed one large container of salsa and container of tomales without dates. tomales are obtained from morazan restaurant across the street.
2015-01-27 14 4-601.11(a) equipment food contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. observed several knives with food debris stored as clean on magnetic strip. cdi by placing at 3 compartment sink to be rewashed.
2015-01-27 13 3-302.11(a) separate the different types of raw animal foods. 3-302.11(a) separate raw animal foods from ready-to-eat foods. observed raw shell eggs stored over cooked tomales in reach in unit. observed raw fish stored over raw steak in reach in unit o
2015-01-27 8 6-301.11 provide soap for handwashing at each handsink. 6-301.12 provide paper towels or approved alternative for hand drying at each handsink. observed no soap or paper towels for hand sink behind bar. cdi by placing soap and paper towels at hand sink
2015-01-27 7 3-301.11(b) do not contact exposed ready-to-eat food with bare hands. use suitable utensils, single-use gloves or dispensing equipment. observed employee use bare hands to put cooked plantains on plate for immediate service to customer. cdi by having e
2015-01-27 1 2-102.11 pic demonstrates knowledge by being a certified food protection manager. observed pic at time of inspection not certified. no point deduction for 210 days from date of permit issued. after 210 days, 2 point deduction will be taken if pic is no

Data Source

This data was provided by Mecklenburg County, Environmental Health inspections and last updated on Jan 17, 2019. Dataset contains 2631 restaurants inspected in Mecklenburg County.

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