Restaurant Information

Facility ID 2060018211
Restaurant Name Tgi Friday's #2599
Phone Number +17045879242
Last Inspection Date 2017-12-28
Last Inspection Score 97

Inspection Results

Inspection Date Score Type
2018-10-24 95 routine
2018-06-19 96 routine
2018-04-04 complaint
2018-03-21 95 routine
2017-12-28 97 routine
2017-09-29 followup
2017-09-20 94 routine
2017-06-15 95 routine
2017-03-27 95 routine
2016-12-07 97 routine
2016-09-23 followup
2016-09-14 94 routine
2016-07-01 followup
2016-06-24 91 routine
2016-03-23 95 routine
2015-12-17 complaint
2015-12-16 followup
2015-12-07 94 routine
2015-09-25 followup
2015-04-21 followup
2015-04-09 96 routine
2015-03-30 initial
Violation Date Code Description
2018-10-24 52 5-501.114 ensure drain plug on dumpsters, waste containers is in place. observed drain plugs missing from outdoor dumpsters.
2018-10-24 39 3-304.14(b) hold in-use wiping cloths in sanitizer between uses. observed some wiping cloths stored on prep table and used to stabilize cutting board in kitchen.
2018-10-24 35 3-302.12 food storage containers identified with common name of food - c - observed some small food storage containers of dry food ingredients and spray bottle of oil not labeled by common name of food.
2018-10-24 31 3-501.15 quickly cool foods. use methods such as open/vented shallow pans, large ice baths and active stirring. cold air must flow around product to remove the heat. -pf - observed deep covered container of pasta cooling at 76 degrees f. cdi by instruct
2018-10-24 21 3-501.18 discard the food requiring date labels once time/temperature window has expired, if it is not been labeled, or if the label is incorrect. -p - observed heat treated onions and vegetables on rack but not date marked from day before and pic did not
2018-10-24 20 3-501.16(a)(2) maintain tcs foods in cold holding at 45f or less. -p - observed lettuce overstacked in prep unit at 51 degrees f. cdi, lettuce relocated to walk in cooler to rapidly cool.
2018-10-24 8 6-301.11 handwashing cleanser, availability - pf - observed no hand soap available at handwashing sink at front beverage area. cdi, pic provided soap.
2018-10-24 6 2-301.14 when to wash - p - observed a food employee handle soiled wiping cloth with gloved hand then handle clean plate without removing soiled glove and washing their hands. cdi by instruction for employee to wash their hands.
2018-10-24 4 2-401.11 eating, drinking, or using tobacco - c - observed employee eating on prep table that had restaurant single-service supplies below it.
2018-06-19 14 repeat:4-601.11(a) equipment food contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. -pf. observed some bowls, plates, and metal pans stored with food debris/residue remaining. cdi: removed and stored at dish sink for recleaning.
2018-06-19 20 general comment:3-501.16(a)(2) maintain tcs foods in cold holding at 45f or less. -p. observed tcs foods inside walk-in cooler ranging from 41 deg f to 46 deg f. according to pic delivery had taken place about an hour ago and door was opened and closed. d
2018-06-19 26 general comment:7-201.11 store toxic materials to avoid contamination. -p. observed chemicals in spray bottles stored above clean dishes in dish room. cdi: chemicals relocated.
2018-06-19 53 general comment:6-201.11 floors, walls and ceilings shall be designed, constructed, and installed so they are smooth and easily cleanable. observed floors in various areas of kitchen in need of regrouting.
2018-06-19 45 repeat:4-501.11 maintain equipment in good repair. observed torn gaskets on reach-ins and prep units on cook line. observed one 2-door stand-up cooler not working properly but is not being used. repair/replace. observed one door on freezer drawer not clos
2018-06-19 42 repeat:4-901.11(a) air dry equipment and utensils after cleaning and sanitizing. observed a few plates and pans wet stacked on dish shelf. observed employee towel drying plates. air dry only. facility has shown much improvement.
2018-03-21 34 4-204.112 provide and position correctly an air thermometer in cold/hot holding equipment. two cold-holding units did not have a thermometer inside. provide thermometer.
2018-03-21 8 6-301.11 provide soap for handwashing at each handsink. -pfno soap at two handsinks. cdi- soap provided.6-301.12 provide paper towels or approved alternative for hand drying at each handsink. -pfno paper towels at server station. cdi- provided.
2018-03-21 14 4-601.11(a) equipment food contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. -pfmultiple small plates, large plates, bowls, spoons, etc with dry food debris. cdi- all items taken back to dishwasher to be re-washed. assure dishwasher is loo
2018-03-21 42 4-901.11(a) air dry equipment and utensils after cleaning and sanitizing.multiple plates, metal conatiners, small bowls, etc were stacked in a wet manner and not fully air dried. facility has tried to address problem but has not yet remedied the issue fu
2018-03-21 21 3-501.17 date mark/label all ready-to-eat tcs foods that have been prepared and held more than 24hours in the establishment. -pfcontainer of milk in ice bath not dated. cdi- dated. facility overall had great date marking.
2018-03-21 45 4-501.11 maintain equipment in good cold holding unit is not working. facility is not using unit and is in proccess of having unit repaired.shelves for desert cooler is rusty and in need of replacement.4-501.12 resurface or replace cutting sur
2018-03-21 47 4-601.11(c )/4-602.13 non food-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris. non food contact surfaces of equipment shall be cleaned at a frequency necessary to preclude accumulation of
2018-03-21 52 5-501.113(b) keep dumpster, outside waste containers covered with tight-fitting lids or doors. dumpster doors were open. cdi- closed.
2018-03-21 43 4-904.11 display and handle single-use and single-service articles to prevent contamination. single service cups unprotected from contamination. keep in sleeves.
2017-12-28 54 6-305.11/6-403.11(b) designate and use an area for the orderly storage of employees' clothing and possessions where contamination of food, equipment, utensils, linens, and single use articles can not occur.personal purse, phones stored in prep areas.
2017-12-28 47 4-601.11(c )/4-602.13 non food-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris. non food contact surfaces of equipment shall be cleaned at a frequency necessary to preclude accumulation of
2017-12-28 45 4-501.12 resurface or replace cutting surfaces that can no longer be effectively cleaned and sanitized. prep table cutting boards and single service cutting boards in need of replacement.
2017-12-28 42 4-901.11(a) air dry equipment and utensils after cleaning and sanitizing.observed a lot of wet stacking. facility must come up with alternate ways of air drying all equipment. call ehs for updates/help. repeat.
2017-12-28 41 3-304.12 during pauses in food preparation or dispensing, store in-use utensils in a clean, dry place, in food with handles above the food, in 135f or greater water, or in running water that moves food particles to the drain. some scoops stored in food w
2017-12-28 39 3-304.14(b) cloths in-use for wiping counters and other equipment shall be held between uses in a chemical sanitizer solution at the proper concentration. some in use cloths held on prep tables. keep wet in-use cloths in sani. buckets.
2017-09-20 8 5-205.11(a) a handwashing sink shall be maintained so that it is accessible at all times for employees.-pf observed a bottle in handsink at bar and a scoop in handsink near wic. cdi- items removed. do not store anything in handsinks.6-301.12 provide pape
2017-09-20 13 3-304.15(a) single-use gloves shall be used for only one task such as working with ready to eat food or raw animal food, used for no other purpose, and discarded when damaged or soiled, or when interruptions occur in the operation. -p observe an employee
2017-09-20 14 4-601.11(a) equipment food contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. multiple plates, some bowls, and one cutting board soiled with food debris. consider re-locating where plates are stored as they are in the middle of splash zones
2017-09-20 33 3-501.13 use approved thawing methods. observed frozen salmon thawing in vaccumed-package. cut slit in package to prevent bacteria growth. cdi- all product was still frozen, slits cut.
2017-09-20 42 4-901.11(a) air dry equipment and utensils after cleaning and sanitizing. wet stacking of plates near dishwasher. repeat. points not escalated because facility has made good improvement on air drying practices.
2017-09-20 19 3-501.16(a)(1) maintain tcs foods in hot holding at 135f or above. -p observed piece of salmon fish that was to be used for a salmon salad recorded below 135f (see chart). cdi- product discarded. assure that food does not sit out too long before prepping
2017-06-15 42 4-901.11(a) air dry equipment and utensils after cleaning and sanitizing. observed heavy wet stacking of plates. repeat
2017-06-15 39 3-304.14(b) cloths in-use for wiping counters and other equipment shall be held between uses in a chemical sanitizer solution at the proper concentration. observed multiple wet cloths out on counters.
2017-06-15 31 3-501.15 quickly cool foods. use methods such as open/vented shallow pans, large ice baths, active stirring, or leave food uncovered to facilitate heat transfer. -pf observed lettuce cooling improperly ( see # 20). cdi- cooling parameters changed to co
2017-06-15 20 3-501.16(a)(2) maintain tcs foods in cold holding at 45f or less. -p multiple foods observed above 45f. spinach in flip top cooler appeared to be overstacked and was brought to wic to cool down. observed two large tubs of lettuce in wic that was prepped
2017-06-15 13 3-304.15(a) single-use gloves shall be used for only one task such as working with ready to eat food or raw animal food, used for no other purpose, and discarded when damaged or soiled, or when interruptions occur in the operation. -p observe employee ha
2017-03-27 13 3-302.11(a) separate the different types of raw animal foods. -p raw comminuted burger meat (155f) stored over raw salmon (145f). cdi- storage order corrected.
2017-03-27 8 5-205.11 maintain access to handsinks. handsinks may only be used for handwashing.-pf trash can blocking access to handwash sink. trash removed.
2017-03-27 14 4-601.11(a) equipment food contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. -pf observed multiple soiled plates and bowls. cdi- all taken back to dishwasher. repeat.
2017-03-27 41 3-304.12 store in-use utensils in a clean, dry place, in food with handles out, in 135f or greater water or in running water which quickly moves food particles to the drain. in use utensils stored at water recorded at 111f. cdi- products taken to dishwa
2017-03-27 42 4-901.11(a) air dry equipment and utensils after cleaning and sanitizing. observed heavy wet stacking of large/small plates and bowls. facility is looking into acquiring shelves with slits to better acdomadate air drying. repeat.
2017-03-27 47 4-601.11(c )/4-602.13 keep the equipment clean to avoid build up of dust, food residue or debris. interior of microwave, crevices of gaskets, shelves, bottom of coolers all in need of general cleaning.
2016-12-07 45 4-501.11 maintain equipment in good repair. observed one damaged gasket.4-501.12 resurface or replace cutting surfaces that can no longer be effectively cleaned and sanitized. observed some deeply grooved cutting boards.4-502.11(a) maintain utensils in g
2016-12-07 42 4-901.11(a) air dry equipment and utensils after cleaning and sanitizing. observed multiple stacks of plates that were wet. air dry before stacking. repeat
2016-12-07 41 3-304.12 during pauses in food preparation or dispensing, store in-use utensils in a clean, dry place, in food with handles above the food, in 135f or greater water, or in running water that moves food particles to the drain. observed two dipper wells w
2016-12-07 39 3-304.14(b) cloths in-use for wiping counters and other equipment shall be held between uses in a chemical sanitizer solution at the proper concentration. observed one wet wiping cloth stored on counter. assure all in-use wiping cloths are held in saniti
2016-12-07 14 4-602.11(e)(4) equipment such as ice bins shall be cleaned at a frequency necessary to preclude accumulation of soil or mold. observed some minor black build-up on interior wall of ice machine.4-601.11(a) equipment food contact surfaces and utensils sha
2016-09-14 47 4-601.11(c )/4-602.13 non food-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris. non food contact surfaces of equipment shall be cleaned at a frequency necessary to preclude accumulation of
2016-09-14 42 4-901.11(a) air dry equipment and utensils after cleaning and sanitizing. many plates that were stacked in an in-use manner were wet stacked. dry plates completley before points deducted.
2016-09-14 20 3-501.16(a)(2) maintain tcs foods in cold holding at 45f or less. -p observed multiple food items in 3 seperate flip top units holding at temps. above 45f. cdi- chicken wings and cheese in flip top 2 were overstacked in unit. top layer of foods removed. u
2016-09-14 13 3-304.15(a) single-use gloves shall be used for only one task such as working with ready to eat food or raw animal food, used for no other purpose, and discarded when damaged or soiled, or when interruptions occur in the operation. -p employee continuall
2016-06-24 13 3-304.15(a) discard gloves after a task is complete or any time they are damaged or soiled. -p observed employee doing dishes wearing gloves and handling dirty dishes. employee moved to handling clean dishes with no glove change or handwash. cdi: emplo
2016-06-24 14 4-602.11 clean the equipment and utensils used with nontcs foods as required to avoid contamination. observed ice machine with pink and black build up throughout machine.4-601.11(a) equipment food contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and
2016-06-24 20 3-501.16(a)(2) maintain tcs foods in cold holding at 45f or less. -p observed tomatoes, grilled mushrooms, grilled onions, leafy greens, and other tcs items in cooler between grill and prep area above 45f. cdi: all tcs items discarded and employeesdirect
2016-06-24 21 3-501.17 date mark/label all tcs foods that are ready-to-eat once opened or prepared and held more than 24hrs. -pf observed leafy greens, prime rib, and pecan chicken improperly date marked. cdi: prime rib, and leafy greens discarded. pecan chicken was
2016-06-24 31 3-501.15 quickly cool foods. use methods such as open/vented shallow pans, large ice baths and active stirring. cold air must flow around product to remove the heat. -pf observed fettucine pasta cooling tightly wrapped in cold holding drawer unit. cdi
2016-06-24 8 5-205.11 maintain access to handsinks. handsinks may only be used for handwashing.-pf observed handsinks at server stations being used as dump sinks. cdi: employees corrected during inspection. handsinks cleaned.
2016-06-24 42 4-901.11(a) air dry equipment and utensils after cleaning and sanitizing. observed 5 pans wet stacked on drying racks. all other utensils were properly separated for air drying. improvement since last inspection. repeat violation
2016-06-24 45 4-501.11 maintain equipment in good repair. observed prep cooler between grill and make line holding above 45f. cdi: all tcs items removed. pic directed to call maintenance and discontinue use of cooler until it is fixed. verification required. observ
2016-06-24 49 5-205.15 maintain a plumbing system in good repair. observed leaking handsink in kitchen next to wic. observed handsink with broken faucet at bar. verification required.
2016-06-24 53 6-501.11 floors, walls, and ceilings including the attachments such as soap and towel dispensers; light fixtures; and heat/ac vents shall be maintained in good repair. observed missing tiles on floor in cooking area. pic stated that it should be fixed tu
2016-06-24 39 3-304.14(b) hold in-use wiping cloths in sanitizer between uses. observed two sanitizer buckets below 200ppm quat sanitizer. cdi: buckets refilled to proper concentration.
2016-03-23 45 4-202.11 food contact surfaces shall be smooth, free of open seams, cracks, chips, pits, sharp internal angles, crevices and assembled to allow access to clean. -pf observed damaged plastic bins, plates, and spatulas. cdi- all items either discarded or re
2016-03-23 42 4-901.11(a) air dry equipment and utensils after cleaning and sanitizing. observed wet stacking. repeat.
2016-03-23 41 3-304.12 during pauses in food preparation or dispensing, store in-use utensils in a clean, dry place, in food with handles above the food, in 135f or greater water, or in running water that moves food particles to the drain. observed a knife stored on a
2016-03-23 14 4-601.11(a) equipment food contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. -pf observed many utensils and eqiupments soiled with food debris. cdi- all items taken back to dishwasher.
2015-12-07 8 5-205.11 maintain access to handsinks. handsinks may only be used for handwashing.-pf observed a spoon in handwash sink at bar. cdi-- pic removed spoon and brought to dishwasher. handwash sink shall only be used for handwashing.
2015-12-07 20 3-501.16(a)(2) maintain tcs foods in cold holding at 45f or less. -p observed cheese and other foods (see chart) in flip top unit # 1 holding temperatures above 45f. also observed cheese and lettuce not holding proper temperatures in the reach in drawer
2015-12-07 35 3-302.12 label all working containers of food (oils, spices, salts) except food that is easy to identify such as dry pasta. observed salt container that was unlabeled.
2015-12-07 39 3-304.14(b) hold in-use wiping cloths in sanitizer between uses. observed a wet rag on the bar. store all wet rags in sanitizer. cdi-- pic removed wet rag. repeat.3-304.14(b) hold in-use wiping clotrhs in sanitizer maintained at the correct concentrati
2015-12-07 41 3-304.12 store in-use utensils in a clean, dry place, in food with handles out, in 135f or greater water or in running water which quickly moves food particles to the drain. observed a knife stored in the crevice between the grill and the flip-top unit.
2015-12-07 42 4-901.11(a) air dry equipment and utensils after cleaning and sanitizing. observed large plastic containers, small metal bins, and plates stacked wet. repeat.
2015-12-07 49 5-205.15 maintain a plumbing system in good repair. observed leak from pipe at handwash sink. pic will call plumber.
2015-12-07 54 6-305.11/6-501.110 designate and use an area for the orderly storage of employees' clothing and possessions. observed an employee lunchbox stored on top shelf in reach walk in cooler. cdi-- pic removed.
2015-12-07 45 4-202.11 food contact surfaces shall be smooth, free of open seams, cracks, chips, pits, sharp internal angles, crevices and assembled to allow access to clean. -pf observed multiple large plastic bins that were cracked and damaged. cdi-- pic voluntarily
2015-04-09 20 3-501.16(a)(2) maintain tcs foods in cold holding at 45f or less. -p. observed shredded cabbage, chicken wings, diced tomatoes, and pico all stored above 45f (see temperature observations chart). cdi by voluntarily discarding some and moving others to the
2015-04-09 53 6-501.12 cleaning, frequency and restrictions - c. observed a sticky film on the floor area around the bar and in the dining room.
2015-04-09 52 5-501.114 ensure drain plug on dumpsters, waste containers is in place. provide a drain plug for the recyclables container.
2015-04-09 45 4-202.11 food contact surfaces shall be smooth, free of open seams, cracks, chips, pits, sharp internal angles, crevices and assembled to allow access to clean. -pf. plastic food trays used for storing kitchen items on speed racks and lids are chipped and
2015-04-09 42 4-901.11(a) air dry equipment and utensils after cleaning and sanitizing. observed large plastic containers stacked while wet.
2015-04-09 39 3-304.14(b) hold in-use wiping cloths in sanitizer between uses. 3-304.14(d) maintain dry wiping cloths free of visible debris and soil. maintain sanitizer containers for in-use cloths free of visible debris and soil. observed one wet wiping cloth store
2015-04-09 37 protect food from contamination sources not specifically noted by code. observed an opened bag of sugar and an opened bag of cranberries inside the dry storage area.
2015-04-09 4 2-401.11 cover and store employee drinks to prevent contamination of food or utensils. observed uncovered employee drinks stored on a table with napkins and clean silverware. cdi by voluntary disposal.

Data Source

This data was provided by Mecklenburg County, Environmental Health inspections and last updated on Jan 17, 2019. Dataset contains 2631 restaurants inspected in Mecklenburg County.

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