Restaurant Information

Facility ID 2060017866
Restaurant Name Burger King #19957/red Mango Smoothies At Jcsu
Phone Number +17044216576
Last Inspection Date 2016-08-30
Last Inspection Score 97

Inspection Results

Inspection Date Score Type
2018-11-29 94 routine
2018-02-09 93 routine
2017-11-30 86 routine
2017-11-13 complaint
2017-11-03 complaint
2017-11-01 complaint
2017-10-30 followup
2016-08-30 97 routine
2016-08-03 complaint
2016-04-08 96 routine
2015-11-04 95 routine
2015-02-25 95 routine
2015-02-10 followup
2014-10-22 followup
2014-10-13 94 routine
2014-08-08 complaint
2014-01-17 94 routine
Violation Date Code Description
2018-11-29 47 4-601.11(c )/4-602.13 keep the equipment clean to avoid build up of dust, food residue or debris. interiors of refrigerators need more frequent cleaning. food accumulation in door gaskets of coolers.
2018-11-29 45 4-501.11 maintain equipment in good repair. observed splitting refrigerator door gaskets in facility. repeat violation.
2018-11-29 26 7-201.11 store toxic materials to avoid contamination. -p: found degreaser bottle hanging on shelf over cleaned equipment. contamination not observed. cdi- bottle relocated to chemical storage.
2018-11-29 14 4-602.11 clean the equipment and utensils used with nontcs foods as required to avoid contamination. observed black build-up on interior of ice machine.4-601.11(a) equipment food contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. -pf: observ
2018-02-09 8 5-205.11 maintain access to handsinks. handsinks may only be used for handwashing.-pf observed hand washing sink in the red mango smoothies portion of establishment used as dump sink. food employee used hand washing sink to rinse out blender. cdi, correct
2018-02-09 14 4-501.114 maintain sanitizer at correct concentrations when being used to sanitize. -p observed sanitizer concentration below 100ppm quat at sanitizer buckets. ensure sanitizer concentration is kept at 200-400ppm per manufacturer instruction. cdi, sanitiz
2018-02-09 37 3-305.11 store food in a clean, dry location, not exposed to contamination. keep at least 6 inches above the floor. observed food stored on the floor in walk in freezer. cdi, pic placed food on shelving, up off the floor.
2018-02-09 38 2-402.11 use head coverings, beard guards and clothing to restrain body hair from contacting exposed food, equipment, and utensils. observed food employees needing to wear beard guards, as well as hair restraints.
2018-02-09 42 4-901.11(a) air dry equipment and utensils after cleaning and sanitizing. observed several stacks of containers, stacked while still wet.
2018-02-09 39 3-304.14(b) hold in-use wiping cloths in sanitizer between uses. observed wet wiping cloths stored on counters and in sanitizer solution with concentration less than 100ppm quat.
2018-02-09 43 4-903.11(a) store single-use and single-service articles to prevent contamination and at least 6 inches off the floor. observed single service cups stored with lip portion of cup exposed to contamination out side of sleeve. repeat. improvement noted.
2018-02-09 45 4-501.11maintain equipment in good repair. observed several split gaskets throughout the establishment including reach in coolers in mango smoothies. repeat
2018-02-09 52 5-501.113(b) keep dumpster, outside waste containers covered with tight-fitting lids or doors. observed dumpster doors opened.
2018-02-09 53 6-501.12 floors, walls, ceilings including the attachments such as soap, towel dispensers; light fixtures; and heat/ac vent coversshall be clean. caution should be used to minimize food exposure. observed heavy dark build up on floors, specially behindequ
2017-11-30 6 2-301.12. follow the cleaning procedure to adequately wash your hands. use warm water, soap, scrub 15 secs, rinse, and dry without recontaminating hands. -p observed food employee rinse hands at hand washing sink. cdi, food employees returned to properly
2017-11-30 8 5-205.11 maintain access to handsinks. handsinks may only be used for handwashing.-pf observed hand sink near freezer blocked with empty crates. cdi, pic removed crates. 6-301.11 provide soap for handwashing at each handsink. -pf observed no soap for hand
2017-11-30 14 4-602.11 clean the equipment and utensils used with nontcs foods as required to avoid contamination. observed the interiorportion of the ice machine with heavy build-up as well as the white rip. repeat4-501.114 manual and mechanical warewashing equipment,
2017-11-30 19 3-501.16(a)(1) maintain tcs foods in hot holding at 135f or above. -p observed several foods intended to hold hot, holding temperature below 135f. cdi, foods such as beef and chicken were reheated to 165f and return to hot holding.
2017-11-30 21 3-501.17 date mark/label all tcs foods that are ready-to-eat once opened or prepared and held more than 24hrs. -pf observed eggs prepared more than 24 hours prior to inspection, with no date mark. cdi, pic date marked food with correct date mark. 3-501.17
2017-11-30 34 4-302.12 provide an accessible thermometer for use. provide a thin probe thermometer for accurate measure of thin foods. -pf pic stated establishment does not have access to a thermometer. vr
2017-11-30 45 4-502.11(a) maintain utensils in good repair. observed ice scoop with deep crack, dark build up observed in crack.4-501.11 maintain equipment in good repair. observed several split gaskets throughout the establishment including reach in coolers. observed
2017-11-30 38 2-402.11 use head coverings, beard guards and clothing to restrain body hair from contacting exposed food, equipment, and utensils. observed food employees without hand covering.
2017-11-30 43 4-903.11(a) store single-use and single-service articles to prevent contamination and at least 6 inches off the floor. observed several stacks of cups stored for service without covering or sleeve.
2017-11-30 53 6-501.12 floors, walls, ceilings including the attachments such as soap, towel dispensers; light fixtures; and heat/ac vent covers shall be clean. caution should be used to minimize food exposure. observed heavy dark build up on floors, specially behind
2017-11-30 54 6-403.11 designated areas-employee accommodations for eating / drinking/smoking - c observed employee belongings stored throughout the establishment, including on top of establishment food and utensils.
2017-11-30 36 6-501.111 keep the premises free of insects, rodents, and other pests. observed a significant presence of roach infestation. spoke to pic about pest control plan. pic is not aware of pest control plan. receipt of treatment or documentation was no produced
2016-08-30 22 3-501.19 provide and follow written procedures for foods held using time as a public health control (tphc). clearly mark foods with begin and end times. all food not sold by the end of 4 hours shall be discarded. -p/pf observed no written begin and end ti
2016-08-30 14 4-602.11 clean the equipment and utensils used with nontcs foods as required to avoid contamination. observed the interior portion of the ice machine with build-up. repeat
2016-04-08 42 4-901.11(a) air dry equipment and utensils after cleaning and sanitizing. observd pans wet stacked on drying rack. (repeat)
2016-04-08 36 6-501.111 keep the premises free of insects, rodents, and other pests. observed mice droppings behind yogurt station. obtain the services of a licensed pest control operator.
2016-04-08 14 .4-602.11 clean the equipment and utensils used with nontcs foods as required to avoid contamination. observed black build-up inside ice machine. (repeat)
2015-11-04 8 6-301.12 provide paper towels or approved alternative for hand drying at each handsink. -pf observed no paper towels at handsink at red mango. cdi-papertowels were placed at handsink.
2015-11-04 4 2-401.11 eating, drinking, or using tobacco - c. drink from covered beverage with straw so as not to contaminate hands when drinking. observed screw top drink in reach-incooler. observed pop up lid drink in walk-in freezer. cdi-by instruction.
2015-11-04 14 4-602.11 clean the equipment and utensils used with nontcs foods as required to avoid contamination. observed black build up in icemachine in burger king back kitchen, and in red mango kitchen.
2015-11-04 41 3-304.12 store in-use utensils in a clean, dry place, in food with handles out, in 135f or greater water or in running water which quickly moves food particles to the drain. observed ice scoop in ice machine with handle in ice. cdi-scoop was removed to b
2015-11-04 42 4-901.11(a) air dry equipment and utensils after cleaning and sanitizing. observed containers wetstacked on drying rack in burger king kitchen.
2015-11-04 22 3-501.19 provide and follow written procedures for foods held using time as a public health control (tphc). clearly mark foods with begin and end times. all food not sold by the end of 4 hours shall be discarded. -p/pf observed sliced ham that tphc proced
2015-02-25 47 4-602.13 nonfood contact surfaces - cnonfood contact surfaces shall be free from an accumulationg of soil. observed food debris accumulating in some reach in refrigerators near fryer unit.
2015-02-25 42 4-901.11 equipment and utensils, air-drying required - callow equipment to air dry after cleaning. observed several containers being wet stacked and not inverted to air dry after cleaning. repeat. observed containers of ice transport bins not inverted and
2015-02-25 33 3-501.13 thawing - cobserved operator thawing frozen yogurt for red mango at room temperature outside of walk in freezer.
2015-02-25 26 7-201.11 separation-storage - ptoxic substances shall be stored so that contamination of equipment is prevented. observed 1 spray bottle of cleaner hanging from clean drainboard of 3 compartment sink. cdi, operator relocated cleaner.
2015-02-25 22 3-501.19 time as a public health control - p,pfwritten procedures shall be written in advance and provided when using time as a public health control. observed operator now has written procedures for cheeses and cut tomatoe on site but no procedures for c
2015-02-25 19 3-501.16 (a)(1) potentially hazardous food (time/temperature control for safety food), hot and cold holding - p - observed 1 bin of tater tots below proper 135 degrees f while hot held. cdi, operator voluntarily discarded tater tots.
2015-02-25 14 4-602.11 equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils-frequency - p ice machines shall be cleaned according to manufacturers recommendations or at least enough to prevent accumulation of soil. observed ice machine accumulating soil in back near ice chute
2014-10-13 14 4-602.11 equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils-frequency - pice machines shall be cleaned according to manufacturers recommendations or at least enough to prevent accumulation of soil. observed black residue on shield inside ice machine. cdi by ins
2014-10-13 4 general comment: 2-401.11 eating, drinking, or using tobacco - cemployees may drink from a closed beverage container if handled to prevent contamination of equipment or hands. observed 1 twist top employee beverage located on low shelf. cdi by instruction
2014-10-13 8 general comment: 5-205.11 using a handwashing sink-operation and maintenance - pfhandwashing sinks shall only be used for handwashing. observed operator dump sanitizer solution that was too weak in handsink behind front counter of red mango. cdi by instru
2014-10-13 22 3-501.19 time as a public health control - p,pfwritten procedures shall be prepared in advance and maintained on site when using time as a public health control. observed written procedures for cheeses but operator could not locate written procedures for
2014-10-13 26 7-201.11 store toxic materials to avoid contamination. -pobserved 1 bottle of degreaser hanging from clean vat of 3 compartment sink. cdi, degreaser relocated for proper storage.
2014-10-13 45 4-501.11 good repair and proper adjustment-equipment - ckeep equipment in good repair. observed lights not working under hood. observed
2014-10-13 49 5-205.15 system maintained in good repair - pplumbing system shall be maintained in good repair. observed a leak at white pvc piping below 3 compartment sink and a bucket being used to collect water. verification required by 10/23
2014-10-13 53 6-501.12 cleaning, frequency and restrictions - cphysical facilities shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean. observed plastic storage bins accumulating soil behind front counter of burger king. observed floor near walk-in freezer accumu
2014-10-13 42 4-901.11 equipment and utensils, air-drying required - callow equipment to air dry after cleaning. observed several stacks of plastic containers being wet stacked on storage rack.
2014-01-17 37 3-305.11 food storage-preventing contamination from the premises store food 6 inches off of the ground. observed 1 box of croissants stored on ground in dry storage area.
2014-01-17 8 6-301.14 handwashing signage general comment: a handwash sign shall be posted at every sink used by food employees. observed no handwash sign at handwash sink behind front counter or handwash sinks located in men's and women's restrooms next to dining are
2014-01-17 13 3-302.11 packaged and unpackaged food-separation, packaging, and segregation general comment: store raw animal food so that cross contamination is prevented. observed cooked sausage patties with commercial packaging open stored in a raw chicken cardboard
2014-01-17 14 4-602.11 equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils-frequencyclean ice machines according to manufacturers recommendation or at least to prevent accumulation of soil. observed black residue accumulating inside ice machine. observed vegetable slicer blad
2014-01-17 22 . 3-501.19 time as a public health controlwhen using time as a public health control / tilt, written procedures must be prepaired in advance and held in establishment. observed cut tomatoe, cut lettuce and cheeses that operator stated was using time as a
2014-01-17 39 3-304.14 wiping cloths, use limitation general comment: containers of sanitizer solutions shall be stored 6 inches off of the ground. observed 1 container of sanitizer stored on ground behind front counter. cdi, operator relocated sanitizer bucket.
2014-01-17 4 2-401.11 eating, drinking, or using tobacco employees may drink from a closed beverage container if handled to prevent contamination of hands, equipment, and food. observed employee beverage located over equipment in kitchen. observed several open employe
2014-01-17 43 4-903.11 (a) and (c) equipment, utensils, linens and single-service and single-use articles-storing general comment: store single-service items in a clean, dry location. observed single-service gloves stored in splash zone next to handwash sink in dry str
2014-01-17 45 4-501.11 good repair and proper adjustment-equipment general comment: keep equipment in good repair. observed a broken fryer unit on ground behind front counter that operator stated was on order for a piece to be replaced.
2014-01-17 53 6-201.11 floors, walls and ceilings-cleanabilityobserved a broken ceiling tile in women's restroom outside of the dining room.
2014-01-17 54 6-501.110 using dressing rooms and lockers lockers or other suitable facilities shall be used for the orderly storage of employee clothing and other possessions. observed employee clothes, headphones and other possesstions stored in corner on floor near w
2014-01-17 42 . 4-901.11 equipment and utensils, air-drying requiredallow equipment to air dry after cleaning. observed several stacks of plastic containers and pans being wet stacked at warewashing area. cdi by instruction.
2014-01-17 2 2-201.11 (a), (b), (c), & (e) responsibility of permit holder, person in charge, and conditional employeesgeneral comment: implement and follow a proper employee health policy. observed some employees not able to demonstrate full compliance that an effect

Data Source

This data was provided by Mecklenburg County, Environmental Health inspections and last updated on Jan 17, 2019. Dataset contains 2631 restaurants inspected in Mecklenburg County.

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