Restaurant Information

Facility ID 2060017632
Restaurant Name Jersey Mikes Subs
Phone Number +17045049343
Last Inspection Date 2017-08-14
Last Inspection Score 98

Inspection Results

Inspection Date Score Type
2018-12-05 93 routine
2018-02-09 followup
2018-02-02 95 routine
2017-08-14 98 routine
2016-08-16 98 routine
2016-02-25 97 routine
2015-08-07 96 routine
2015-03-25 complaint
2015-03-20 followup
2015-03-11 96 routine
2014-09-26 96 routine
2014-05-13 complaint
2014-05-09 complaint
2014-05-08 complaint
2014-04-09 98 routine
2013-10-22 96 routine
2013-09-25 complaint
2013-09-06 complaint
2013-06-17 0 complaint
2013-04-17 98 routine
2013-04-11 0 initial
Violation Date Code Description
2018-12-05 47 4-601.11(c )/4-602.13 keep the equipment clean to avoid build up of dust, food residue or debris. observed shelving, counters, gaskets and other non-food contact surfaces in need of cleaning. observed minimal build up.
2018-12-05 43 4-903.11(a) store single-use and single-service articles to prevent contamination and at least 6 inches off the floor. observed single service cups stored at counter near cash register, exposed to contamination.
2018-12-05 21 3-501.17 date mark/label all tcs foods that are ready-to-eat once opened or prepared and held more than 24hrs. -pf observed chicken salad, and tuna salad held without date mark. cdi, chicken salad, and tuna salad marked.
2018-12-05 20 3-501.16(a)(2) maintain tcs foods in cold holding at 45f or less. -p observed cut tomato held above 45f. cdi, tomato discarded. g
2018-12-05 6 2-301.12. follow the cleaning procedure to adequately wash your hands. use warm water, soap, scrub 15 secs, rinse, and dry without recontaminating hands. -p observed food employee re-contaminate hands by closing faucet without a barrier. cdi, employee cor
2018-12-05 1 2-102.12 certified food protection manager - c observed pic not a certified food protection manager.
2018-02-02 20 3-501.16(a)(2) maintain tcs foods in cold holding at 45f or less. -pchicken salad and cheese both recorded below 135f (see chart). cdi- cheese discarded and chicken salad cooled down.
2018-02-02 26 7-208.11 store labeled, first aid supplies to prevent contamination.-p first aid kit was stored on top of soda boxes. cdi- moved. keep stored away from food.
2018-02-02 33 3-501.13 use approved thawing methods. frozen beef thawing on counter at room temp. cdi- moved into reach in cooler to thaw.
2018-02-02 34 4-302.12 provide a thin probe thermometer for an accurate measurement of foods.-pfno thin probe thermometer on site. vr.
2018-02-02 19 3-501.16(a)(1) maintain tcs foods in hot holding at 135f or above. -pobserved meatballs holding below 135f (see chart). re-heated
2018-02-02 41 3-304.12 during pauses in food preparation or dispensing, store in-use utensils in a clean, dry place, in food with handles above the food, in 135f or greater water, or in running water that moves food particles to the drain. one scoop stored with produc
2018-02-02 47 4-601.11(c )/4-602.13 non food-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris. non food contact surfaces of equipment shall be cleaned at a frequency necessary to preclude accumulation of
2018-02-02 52 5-501.113(b) keep dumpster, outside waste containers covered with tight-fitting lids or doors. dumpster doors were open. dumpster is shared with multiple facilities.5-501.114 ensure drain plug on dumpsters, waste containers is in place. drain plug missin
2018-02-02 39 3-304.14(b) cloths in-use for wiping counters and other equipment shall be held between uses in a chemical sanitizer solution at the proper concentration. one wet cloth stored on prep table. keep in sanitizer. repeat.also observed one sanitizer bucket at
2017-08-14 39 3-304.14(b) cloths in-use for wiping counters and other equipment shall be held between uses in a chemical sanitizer solution at the proper concentration. observed a wet wiping cloth stored on table and not in sanitizer. keep wiping cloths in sanitizer.
2017-08-14 35 3-302.12 label all working containers of food (oils, spices, salts) except food that is easy to identify such as dry pasta. some oil/spice bottles not labeled.
2017-08-14 21 3-501.17(b) commercially prepared and packaged time/temperature control for safety (tcs) food shall be date marked at the time the original container is opened in a food establishment and the food is held for more than 24 hours. -pf container of tuna mad
2017-08-14 6 2-301.12c to avoid recontaminating their hands, food employees may use disposable paper towels or similar clean barrier when touching surfaces such as manually operating handsink faucets or touching the handle of a door. observed employee wash hands and
2016-08-16 35 general comment - 3-602.11 food packaged on premises for customer self service shall include a label with the common name of the food, ingredients in descending order, quantity of contents, name and place of business and major food allergens. -pfindividua
2016-08-16 14 4-501.114 maintain sanitizer at correct concentrations. -pquat sanitizer observed at 3-comp sink at 50ppm. cdi - by refilling with proper concentration at 200ppm.
2016-08-16 43 4-904.11 display and handle single-use and single-service articles to prevent contamination. cups observed unprotected at front register area.
2016-08-16 39 3-304.14(b) hold in-use wiping cloths in sanitizer at proper strength between uses.quat sanitizer in red bucket on front line observed at 50ppm - cdi - bucket dumped and refilled with proper sanitizer.
2016-02-25 39 3-304.14(b) hold in-use wiping cloths in sanitizer at proper strength between uses.observed 2 quat sanitizer buckets at front area < 100ppm. buckets dumped and refilled with proper sanitizer (200ppm) from 3-comp sink. observed wet wiping cloth stored on c
2016-02-25 31 3-501.15 quickly cool foods. use methods such as open/vented shallow pans, large ice baths and active stirring. cold air must flow around product to remove the heat. -pfobserved tomatoes that had been sliced and placed directly into front prep serving u
2016-02-25 13 general comment - 3-302.11(a) protect food in storage using covered containers, intact wrappings, or packaging. -pobserved an open bag of sugar and cornmeal on shelf below prep table. cdi - items transferred to bin with lids.
2016-02-25 1 2-102.12 pic demonstrates knowledge by being a certified food protection manager.observed no certified food protection manager present. certified pic showed up later into the inspection.
2015-08-07 26 7-102.11 label working containers of toxic materials such as cleaners and sanitizers.-pf observed a spray bottle of water and a chemical bottle not labeled stored on shelf at register area. cdi - both bottles were properly labeled during inspection.
2015-08-07 19 3-501.16(a)(1) maintain tcs foods in hot holding at 135f or above. -pobserved marinara sauce in steam well at 120f. cdi - marinara sauce was reheated on stove to 208f. repeat****
2015-08-07 14 4-501.114 maintain sanitizer at correct concentrations. -pobserved bleach sanitizer made up in 3-compartment sink at 0ppm. it was determined that drain plug is malfunctioning and is not allowing water to stay in sink. cdi - bleach was added to water at 50
2015-08-07 48 5-103.12 provide water under pressure to all fixtures.-pfobserved no cold water at spray arm faucet of 3-compartment sink. cdi - by instruction to have repaired to provide cold water.
2015-08-07 35 3-302.12 label all working containers of food (oils, spices, salts) except food that is easy to identify such as dry pasta. observed container of sugar and salt not labeled. (labeled during inspection).
2015-03-11 39 3-304.14(b) hold in-use wiping cloths in sanitizer between uses. observed one wet wiping cloth stored on a counter top while not in use.
2015-03-11 34 4-302.12 provide an accessible thermometer for use. provide a thin probe thermometer for accurate measure of thin foods.-pf observed no thin probe thermometer on site for taking temperatures of thin foods such as cheese steak beef or shredded lettuce. v
2015-03-11 19 3-501.16(a)(1) maintain tcs foods in hot holding at 135f or above. -p observed meatballs in a steam well below 135f (see chart). cdi- meatballs were reheated to above 165f (see chart).
2015-03-11 6 2-301.14 wash hands after activities that contaminate them.-p observed employee handling thinly sliced raw beef and then handling bread without changing his gloves or washing his hands in-between. cdi by instruction.
2014-09-26 13 3-302.11(a) separate raw animal foods from ready-to-eat foods. -p observed raw philly steak meat stored directly over gatorades in the walk in cooler. cdi by rearranging storage.
2014-09-26 19 3-501.16(a)(1) maintain tcs foods in hot holding at 135f or above. -p observed meatballs and marinara sauce below 132f in a steam table. cdi by reheating both items to above 165f on the grill.
2014-09-26 26 7-102.11 label working containers of toxic materials such as cleaners and sanitizers.-pf observed one bottle of degreaser that was not labeled. cdi by adding a label.
2014-09-26 20 3-501.16(a)(2) maintain tcs foods in cold holding at 45f or less. -p observed cut tomato and cut lettuce in the flip top cooler above 45f. cdi by placing foods into a reach in cooler for rapid cooling.
2014-09-26 35 3-302.12 label all working containers of food (oils, spices, salts) except food that is easy to identify such as dry pasta. observed several sauce bottles that were not labeled.
2014-09-26 37 3-305.11 store food in a clean, dry location, not exposed to contamination. keep at least 6 inches above the floor. observed pickles and roast beef stored on the floor in the walk in cooler.
2014-04-09 35 3-302.12 food storage containers identified with common name of food - c. if a food is removed from its original container and is not easily recognized it must be labeled. observed all sauce bottles without labels.3-602.11 food labels - pf. food that i
2014-04-09 26 7-102.11 common name-working containers - pf. containers used for storing toxic materials shall be clearly labeled with the common name of the material. observed one bottle of glass cleaner without a label. cdi by labeling.
2014-04-09 20 3-501.16 (a)(2) and (b) potentially hazardous food (time/temperature control for safety food), hot and cold holding - p. potentially hazardous foods being held cold shall be at 45f or below. observed cut lettuce and diced chicken out of temperature (see
2013-10-22 8 6-301.14 handwashing signagesupply each handwash sink with a handwash sign. observed no handwash sign at handwash sink behind counter. cdi by instruction, handwash sign provided to operator.
2013-10-22 1 2-102.12 certified food protection managerat least one person on site shall be an ansi accredited certified food protection manager. observed nobody on site with certification. repeat.
2013-10-22 20 3-501.16 (a)(2) and (b) potentially hazardous food (time/temperature control for safety food), hot and cold holdingpotentially hazardous food shall be cold held at 45 degrees f or below. observed a row of overstacked cut tomatoes that were recently prepar
2013-10-22 21 3-501.17 ready-to-eat potentially hazardous food (time/temperature control for safety food), date markingdate mark potentially hazardous food that is ready-to-eat and held in establishment over 24 hours. observed container or roast beef and a container of
2013-10-22 26 7.202.11 restriction-presence and useonly toxic substances that are for establishment and used shall be stored in facility. observed concrete stain and containers of primer stored in facility. cdi by instruction, remove.
2013-10-22 45 4-501.11 good repair and proper adjustment-equipmentkeep equipment in good repair. observed panel missing on reach-in deli meat case and panel missing on compressor unit at cold hold table along cookline.
2013-10-22 39 3-304.14 wiping cloths, use limitationstore wet wiping clothes in sanitizer in between uses. observed several wet wiping clothes stored on prep tables, and sinks throughout facility. repeat.
2013-10-22 42 4-903.11 (a), (b) and (d) equipment, utensils, linens and single-service and single-use articles-storingclean linens shall be stored in a clean, dry location. observed 1 stack of uncovered/unprotected linens at canwash in contact with a soiled wall.
2013-10-22 47 4-602.13 nonfood contact surfacesnonfood contact surfaces shall be free from an accumulation of soil. observed food debris accumulating below microwave and collecting near compressor along cold hold table at prep area.
2013-10-22 35 3-302.12 food storage containers identified with common name of foodlabel dry ingredients that are not easily identifyable by common name of food. observed 1 bulk container of sugar not labeled under soda machine. cdi by instruction.
2013-04-17 2 implement and follow an employee health policy. observed employees not able to demonstrate that a health policy was being followed. cdi by instruction; handout given.
2013-04-17 45 keep equipment in good repair. observed 2 chipped plastic lids on containers of food. observed split gasket on walk in cooler.
2013-04-17 39 store wet wiping clothes in sanitizer in between uses or maintain dry. observed several wet wiping clothes stored on food prep tables in kitchen.
2013-04-17 38 except for a plain ring such as a wedding band; while preparing food; food employees may not wear jewelry including medical information jewelry on their arms and hands. observed 2 employees with multiple decorative rings on their fingers.
2013-04-17 31 cooling shall be accomplished in accordance with the time and temperature criteria specified under ? 3 501.14 by using one or more of the following methods based on the type of food being cooled:(1) placing the food in shallow pans; pf(2) separating the f
2013-04-17 26 working containers used for storing poisonous or toxic materials such as cleaners and sanitizers taken from bulk supplies shall be clearly and individually identified with the common name of the material. observed several spray bottles of chlorine sanitiz
2013-04-17 21 date mark potentially hazardous foods that are ready to eat and held in the establishment for over 24 hours. observed roast ham that was prepared over the weekend in walk in cooler not date marked. observed deli meats that were removed from commercial p
2013-04-17 20 potentially hazardous foods being cold held shall be at 45 degrees f or cooler. observed cut tomatoe at 49-54 degrees f at front prep. observed shredded lettuce in walk-in cooler between 51-58 degrees f. cdi; operator relocated tomatoes to walk in cool
2013-04-17 1 at least one employee who has supervisory and management responsibility and the authority to direct and control food preparation and service shall be a certified food protection manager who has shown proficiency of required information through passing a t

Data Source

This data was provided by Mecklenburg County, Environmental Health inspections and last updated on Jan 17, 2019. Dataset contains 2631 restaurants inspected in Mecklenburg County.

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