Restaurant Information

Facility ID 2060015867
Restaurant Name Chili's Grill & Bar #184
Phone Number +17045436265
Last Inspection Date 2018-06-19
Last Inspection Score 98

Inspection Results

Inspection Date Score Type
2018-11-19 96 routine
2018-06-19 98 routine
2018-01-24 94 routine
2017-10-11 96 routine
2017-10-11 complaint
2017-07-10 96 routine
2017-04-27 88 routine
2017-03-16 complaint
2017-01-12 followup
2017-01-05 91 routine
2016-09-14 97 routine
2016-06-09 96 routine
2016-03-07 95 routine
2015-10-16 94 routine
2015-06-11 95 routine
2015-03-12 96 routine
2014-10-09 96 routine
2014-04-04 complaint
2014-03-27 97 routine
2013-08-30 97 routine
2013-03-26 98 routine
2012-11-12 98 routine
Violation Date Code Description
2018-11-19 45 4-501.12 resurface or replace cutting surfaces that can no longer be effectively cleaned and sanitized. two cutting boards in main line area in need of replacement/resurfacing.
2018-11-19 37 6-404.11 designate a separate area for items that are not for use and are being held for credit, such as dented cans or recalled products. -pf one dented can not segregated from use. cdi- marked with an x and moved to segregated area.
2018-11-19 17 3-403.11 (c ) reheat commercially processed, ready-to-eat food to 135f within 2 hours if food is to be hot held until service. -pcommercial re-heat of mashed potatos in microwave did not reach 135f (see charts). cdi- re-heated again to proper temp. of 16
2018-11-19 14 4-601.11(a) equipment food contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. -pfsome plates, cast iron skillets soiled with food debris. cdi- taken to dishwasher.
2018-11-19 13 3-302.11(a)(8) separate unwashed produce from ready-to-eat foods. cut rte tomatos stored below unwashed peppers and tomatos. store rte foods above unwashed produce.
2018-11-19 4 2-401.11(a) an employee shall eat, drink, or use tobacco only in designated areas where the contamination of exposed food, equipment, utensils, linens, single-use artices, or other items can not result. observed open two dink cups stored in high areas. s
2018-06-19 8 6-301.12 provide paper towels or approved alternative for hand drying at each handsink. -pf no paper towels at dish area hand sink. cdi - paper towels were stocked.
2018-06-19 39 3-304.14(b) hold in-use wiping cloths in sanitizer between uses. wet wiping cloth stored out of sanitizer at server station. cdi - cloth placed in sanitizing solution.
2018-06-19 14 4-501.114 maintain sanitizer at correct concentrations. -p chlorine dish machine reading at 0ppm after cycle; pic aware of the problem and had already contacted repair tech before the inspection. cdi - repair tech arrived and adjusted the dish machine; no
2018-06-19 47 4-601.11(c )/4-602.13 keep the equipment clean to avoid build up of dust, food residue or debris. clean dust build up from walk in cooler fan guards and food drips and debris from low prep cooler door gaskets and inside cold drawers.
2018-01-24 45 4-501.11 good repair and proper adjustment-equipment - c - observed top of prep refrigerator not holding required temperature on line and operator instructed not to use for tcs foods until repaired. operator stated work order has been placed.
2018-01-24 42 4-901.11 equipment and utensils, air-drying required - c - allow equipment to air dry after cleaning. observed some plates being wet stacked on storage rack.
2018-01-24 39 3-304.14(b) hold in-use wiping cloths in sanitizer between uses. observed wet cloth stored on clean drain board of dish machine.
2018-01-24 21 3-501.18 discard the food requiring date labels once time/temperature window has expired, if it is not been labeled, or if the label is incorrect. -p - observed tub of corn with a date of preparation of 9/13.cdi, operator stated that was incorrect label
2018-01-24 14 4-602.11 equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils-frequency - ensure ice machines are cleaned at required frequency. observed ice chute accumulating black soil residue at top components by instruction. repeat. observed some plates and flat bread equi
2018-01-24 13 3-302.11 packaged and unpackaged food-separation, packaging, and segregation - p - observed unwashed pineapple stored over ready to eat foods in walk in unit.cdi, foods relocated for proper storage. observed some salads and peppers uncovered / unprotected
2017-10-11 14 4-602.11 equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils-frequency - ensure ice machines are cleaned at required frequency. observed ice chute accumulating black soil residue at top components by instruction.
2017-10-11 21 3-501.18 discard the food requiring date labels once time/temperature window has expired, if it is not been labeled, or if the label is incorrect. -p - observed package of cooked ribs not date marked and another 2 packages with a date of preparation of 9/
2017-10-11 38 2-303.11 prohibition-jewelry - c - food employees may not wear jewelry on wrists or fingers except a plain wedding band. observed food employee wearing decorative ring on hand and wrist band.
2017-10-11 26 7-201.11 separation-storage - p - store toxic substances so that contamination of equipment is prevented. observed spray bottle of degreaser stored over drink mix on rack.
2017-07-10 51 6-302.11 supply toilet tissue at each toilet. observed stall in women's restroom missing toilet paper.
2017-07-10 47 4-601.11(c )/4-602.13 keep the equipment clean to avoid build up of dust, food residue or debris. observed outside of chip containers and utensil handles accumulating soil residue.
2017-07-10 45 4-202.11 food contact surfaces shall be smooth, free of open seams, cracks, chips, pits, sharp internal angles, crevices and assembled to allow access to clean. -pf - observed several white chip containers with heavy cracks and damage. repeat.4-501.12 cu
2017-07-10 42 4-903.11 (a), (b) and (d) equipment, utensils, linens and single-service and single-use articles-storing - c - observed clean utensil stored with soiled items along prep line in container.
2017-07-10 37 3-305.11 store food in a clean, dry location, not exposed to contamination. keep at least 6 inches above the floor. - observed a bag of lettuce stored on ground in dry storage area. pic stated that onions were recently delivered. cdi, pic removed onions
2017-07-10 21 3-501.18 discard the food requiring date labels once time/temperature window has expired, if it is not been labeled, or if the label is incorrect. -p - observed watermelon not date marked, pan of cooked chicken prepared the morning before not date marked
2017-07-10 20 . 3-501.16(a)(2) maintain tcs foods in cold holding at 45f or less. -p - observed a container of lettuce overstacked in prep unit and cut leaf lettuce in prep unit over 45 degrees f. cdi, operator relocated foods to rapidly cool.
2017-07-10 4 2-401.11 cover and store employee drinks to prevent contamination of food or utensils. store employee beverages to not contaminate equipment. observed an employee beverage stored on dish machine. cdi, beverage removed.42
2017-04-27 14 4-601.11 (a) equipment, food-contact surfaces, nonfood-contact surfaces, and utensils - p - observed several stacks of plates, bowls, and cups stored as clean but soiled with grease, food debris and soil. cdi, equipment relocated for cleaning. repeat. obs
2017-04-27 1 2-102.12 pic shall demonstrate knowledge by being a certified food protection manager. pic's certification had expired. no current certified pic on site during inspection. cdi by instruction.
2017-04-27 6 2-301.12. follow the cleaning procedure to adequately wash your hands. use warm water, soap, scrub 15 secs, rinse, and dry without recontamination hands. -p - observed food employee handle soiled wiping cloth then proceed to handle box of produce without
2017-04-27 13 3-302.11 packaged and unpackaged food-separation, packaging, and segregation - p - food shall be stored in wrappings, packages or covered containers. observed turkey burger uncovered / unprotected in tall freezer unit.cdi,3-302.11 packaged and unpackaged
2017-04-27 20 3-501.16(a)(2) maintain tcs foods in cold holding at 45f or less. -p - observed 1 container of pork out of temperature control and at 74 degrees f. cdi, food employee transferred food to refrigerator while on-site to rapidly cool. improvement made since p
2017-04-27 46 4-501.14 warewashing equipment, cleaning frequency - c - observed handle of dish machine, inside upper corners of dish machine and top door near latch of dish machine accumulating heavy soil residues.
2017-04-27 45 4-202.11 food contact surfaces shall be smooth, free of open seams, cracks, chips, pits, sharp internal angles, crevices and assembled to allow access to clean. -pf - observed several white large chip storage containers with heavy cracks and crevices with
2017-04-27 47 4-601.11(c )/4-602.13 keep the equipment clean to avoid build up of dust, food residue or debris. observed heavy accumulation of food residues in tall reach in freezer. observed food debris and soil accumulating in gasket of unit. observed outside of plas
2017-04-27 53 6-201.11 floors, walls and ceilings shall be designed, constructed, and installed so they are smooth and easily cleanable. observed some areas in kitchen with gaps in grouts and in need of grout.
2017-04-27 42 4-903.11 (a), (b) and (d) equipment, utensils, linens and single-service and single-use articles-storing - c - store clean equipment in clean, dry areas. observed containers storing clean utensils soiled with debris and soil in kitchen. observed ice scoop
2017-01-05 6 2-301.14 wash hands after activities that contaminate them.-p - observed food employee handle soiled equipment and linens and clean linens at same time without washing their hands. cdi by instruction.
2017-01-05 8 5-205.11 using a handwashing sink-operation and maintenance - pf - handwashing sinks shall be easily accessible for employee use. observed handwashing sink removed from front hallway area near take out window and replaced with stainless steel and used as
2017-01-05 14 4-601.11(a) equipment food contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. -pf - food contact surfaces shall be clean to site and touch. observed several containers and plates stored as clean but soiled with food debris. observed pan with
2017-01-05 20 3-501.16(a)(2) maintain tcs foods in cold holding at 45f or less. -p - observed container of chicken, chicken batter cold held at breading station refrigerator above 45 degrees f. observed cut lettuce overstacked in prep unit over 45 degrees f. cdi, opera
2017-01-05 21 3-501.18 discard the food requiring date labels once time/temperature window has expired, if it is not been labeled, or if the label is incorrect. -p - observed container of corn not labeled correctly according to pic, 2 bags of lettuce open but not date
2017-01-05 26 7-201.11 store toxic materials to avoid contamination. -p - observed chemical stored over single-service cups in storage closet. cdi, items relocated.
2017-01-05 13 3-302.11 packaged and unpackaged food-separation, packaging, and segregation - p - store raw animal foods properly. observed container of raw chicken stored over beef in prep unit. cdi, foods relocated for proper storage.
2017-01-05 39 3-304.14(b) hold in-use wiping cloths in sanitizer between uses. - observed cloth around waste of employee. observed wet cloth on counter surface in kitchen.
2017-01-05 42 4-904.11 kitchenware and tableware-preventing contamination - c - invert utensils to prevent handling of food and lip contact surfaces. observed spoon in containers not inverted.
2017-01-05 45 4-202.11 food contact surfaces shall be smooth, free of open seams, cracks, chips, pits, sharp internal angles, crevices and assembled to allow access to clean. -pf - observed several large white chip storage containers accumulating cracks and holes and n
2017-01-05 47 4-602.13 nonfood contact surfaces - c - observed soil residues accumulating in gasket of prep unit and inside bottom of prep refrigerators in facility. repeat.
2017-01-05 37 3-305.11 food storage-preventing contamination from the premises - c - observed a bag of onions stored on ground in storage dry storage room.
2016-09-14 6 2-301.14 when to wash - p - wash hands after handling soiled equipment and prior to handling clean equipment. observed dishwasher touch soiled equipment and then handle clean equipment without washing their hands in between. cdi by instruction.
2016-09-14 13 3-302.11(a) separate raw animal foods from ready-to-eat foods. -p - observed raw beef stored over garlic bread in low reach in drawer below grill. cdi, operator relocated foods for proper storage.
2016-09-14 14 4-601.11 (a) equipment, food-contact surfaces, nonfood-contact surfaces, and utensils - p - food contact surfaces shall be cleaned to site and touch. observed blade of can opener stored as clean but soiled with food debris. cdi, equipment relocated for cl
2016-09-14 35 3-302.12 food storage containers identified with common name of food - c - dry ingredients that are not easily recognizable shall be labeled by common name of food. observed container of sugar packages not labeled as required.
2016-09-14 43 4-502.13 single-service and single-use articles-use limitations - c - single-use articles may not be used more than once. observed single-service trays being re-used throughout the day at prep line according to pic.4-903.11 (a) and (c) equipment, utensils
2016-09-14 47 4-602.13 nonfood contact surfaces - c - nonfood contact surfaces shall be free from an accumulation of soil. observed soil accumulating on equipment at prep area and in gasket of flip top prep unit on end of prep line.
2016-09-14 42 4-901.11 equipment and utensils, air-drying required - c - observed clean pan and containers being wet stacked on storage rack near walk in cooler. repeat.4-903.11 (a), (b) and (d) equipment, utensils, linens and single-service and single-use articles-sto
2016-06-09 39 3-304.14 wiping cloths, use limitation - c - store wet wiping cloths in sanitizer in between uses. observed wet cloths stored in buckets with little sanitizer and not submerged.
2016-06-09 6 2-301.12 cleaning procedure - p - use proper procedures when washing hands. observed food employees not use a clean barrier to turn faucet off after washing their hands. cdi by instruction.
2016-06-09 13 3-302.11 packaged and unpackaged food-separation, packaging, and segregation - p - store raw animal food so that cross contamination is prevented. observed tilapia and beef stored over ready to eat foods, including creamer in walk in cooler. cdi, operator
2016-06-09 21 3-501.18 discard the food requiring date labels once time/temperature window has expired, if it is not been labeled, or if the label is incorrect. -p - observed bag of cut cabbage, cut lettuce, mozzerela cheese not date marked in walk in cooler. cdi, ope
2016-06-09 41 3-304.12 in-use utensils, between-use storage - c - observed tongs used to handle raw chicken stored over container of shrimp along prep line. handle to prevent cross contamination.
2016-06-09 45 4-501.11 good repair and proper adjustment-equipment - c - observed 2 door reach in refrigeration unit along line not in working repair and operator stated new refrigeration unit has been ordered.4-402.11 fixed equipment, spacing or sealing-installation -
2016-06-09 43 4-502.13 single-use and single-service articles may not be reused. observed single-use trays being used more than once to cover burgers at grill on prep line according to pic.
2016-06-09 42 4-901.11 equipment and utensils, air-drying required - c - observed metal containers being wet stacked on storage rack near walk in cooler. observed plastic containers being wet stacked along prep line in kitchen. repeat.4-903.11 (a), (b) and (d) equipmen
2016-06-09 47 4-601.11(c )/4-602.13 keep the equipment clean to avoid build up of dust, food residue or debris. observed soil and grease accumulating on outside of white chip storage containers. observed shelving throughout kitchen and top of dish machine accumulating
2016-03-07 4 2-401.11 cover and store employee drinks to prevent contamination of food or utensils. observed employee drink stored on dish machine.
2016-03-07 14 4-601.11 (a) equipment, food-contact surfaces, nonfood-contact surfaces, and utensils - p - food contact surfaces shall be clean to site and touch. observed stack of plates and metal pans stored as clean but soiled. cdi, equipment relocated for cleaning.
2016-03-07 20 3-501.16 (a)(2) and (b) potentially hazardous food (time/temperature control for safety food), hot and cold holding - p - tcs foods shall be cold held at 45 degrees f and below. observed cut lettuce and cut tomatoe overs tacked in prep unit and above 45
2016-03-07 26 7-204.11 sanitizers, criteria-chemicals - p - provide sanitizer at proper concentration. observed quat sanitizer above 400ppm as measured by test strips. cdi, employee diluted chemical to proper sanitizer concentration.
2016-03-07 38 2-303.11 remove jewelry on hands and arms while preparing food. a plain ring, such as a wedding band, is allowed. observed food employee wearing a watch and wrist band.
2016-03-07 35 3-302.12 food storage containers identified with common name of food - c - containers storing food that is not easily recognizable shall be labled by common name of food. observed syrups behind bar in containers not labeled.
2016-03-07 41 3-304.12 in-use utensils, between-use storage - c - store in-use utensils properly. observed ice scoop stored in dipping well missing the insert to well according to pic. observed tongs stored on soiled area of overhead storage shelf near front handwashin
2016-03-07 42 l4-901.11(a) air dry equipment and utensils after cleaning and sanitizing. observed clean sheet pans being wet stacked on rack and containers being wet stacked on storage shelving. repeat. observed clean linen stored in soiled area on line. |
2016-03-07 47 4-602.13 nonfood contact surfaces - c - observed sticker and sticker residue as well as some food debris on outside of clean containers on storage rack. improvement made since previous inspection.
2016-03-07 53 6-501.12 cleaning, frequency and restrictions - c - physical facilities shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean. observed soil accumulating on floor of walk in freezer.
2015-10-16 13 3-302.11 packaged and unpackaged food-separation, packaging, and segregation - p - store raw animal food so that cross contamination is prevented. observed containers of raw steak stored in low reach in drawer near grill over texas toast. cdi, operator r
2015-10-16 14 4-602.11 equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils-frequency - p - clean ice machine according to manufacturers recommendations or at least enough to prevent an accumulation of soil. observed black soil residues accumulating in ice machine. repeat. ice
2015-10-16 36 6-501.111 controlling pests - pf - observed fruit flies in facility during inspection. operator provided invoice from pest treatment for flies on 10/13 and operator stated that they have monthly pest treatment from copesan for flies. cdi by instruction, o
2015-10-16 42 4-903.11 (a), (b) and (d) equipment, utensils, linens and single-service and single-use articles-storing - c - store clean equipment in a clean, dry area. observed several metal fryer baskets stored as clean on rack on soiled sheet pans in storage room. o
2015-10-16 47 4-602.13 nonfood contact surfaces - c - nonfood contact surfaces of equipment shall be free of an accumulation of soil. observed heavy soil accumulation on front prep line shelving, underneath equipment on top prep line shelf, in gaskets of reach in refri
2015-10-16 52 5-501.13 receptacles - c - waste handling units for refuse shall be durable, cleanable, insect and rodent resistant and leakproof. observed drain plug missing from outdoor dumpster and heavy damage to the other dumpster.
2015-10-16 45 4-501.11 good repair and proper adjustment-equipment - c - keep equipment in good repair. observed conveyer oven unit with rack not in good repair and operator stated was scheduled to be fixed this afternoon. observed a light out under hood ventilation sy
2015-06-11 45 general comment 4-101.11 food contact surfaces shall be made of safe materials. no odor, color or taste can migrate during multi-use. materials shall be smooth, cleanable, durable and nonabsorbent. observed 2 small rust spots in the front server ice mach
2015-06-11 42 4-901.11(a) air dry equipment and utensils after cleaning and sanitizing. - observed plastic containers stacked wet. repeat violation.
2015-06-11 36 general comment 6-501.111 keep the premises free of insects, rodents, and other pests. - observed a live roach in the dining room. call pest managment company.
2015-06-11 31 general comment 3-501.15 quickly cool foods. use methods such as open/vented shallow pans, large ice baths and active stirring. cold air must flow around product to remove the heat. -pf observed one pan of cooked chicken breasts cooling in a prep unit
2015-06-11 14 4-601.11(a) equipment food contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. -pf observed spoon ladels, tongs and measuring cup soiled with food debris while stored as clean. observed buildup of black debris in the ice machine. cdi- pic m
2015-06-11 7 3-301.11(b) do not contact exposed ready-to-eat food with bare hands. use suitable utensils, single-use gloves or dispensing equipment.-p observed employee in prep area grab bread with bare hand to place on customer plate. cdi- pic kerri instructed emp
2015-03-12 41 3-304.12 store in-use utensils in a clean, dry place, in food with handles out, in 135f or greater water or in running water which quickly moves food particles to the drain. - observed handles of scoops down in cheese and salsa. keep handles out of the p
2015-03-12 14 4-601.11(a) equipment food contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. -pf - observed pink and black build up around the ice shoot of the ice machine. cdi - cleaned during inspection. repeat violation. recommend cleaning more often.
2015-03-12 42 4-901.11(a) air dry equipment and utensils after cleaning and sanitizing. - observed plastic containers stacked wet. repeat violation.
2015-03-12 47 4-601.11(c )/4-602.13 keep the equipment clean to avoid build up of dust, food residue or debris. - observed general cleaning need on equipment. observed cleaning needed on the floor of the reach in freezer by the fryers.
2015-03-12 45 4-501.11 maintain equipment in good repair. - observed shelving in walk in cooler starting to rust. pic stated the order for the shelves has been placed and should be here any day.
2014-10-09 47 general comment- 4-601.11(c )/4-602.13 keep the equipment clean to avoid build up of dust, food residue or debris. general cleaning needed of inside of coolers and freezers and of gaskets. observed build up of food debris.
2014-10-09 42 general comment- 4-901.11(a) air dry equipment and utensils after cleaning and sanitizing. observed knives stored on knife block wet and wet stacked food pans throughout.
2014-10-09 19 3-501.16(a)(1) maintain tcs foods in hot holding at 135f or above. -p observed chicken breast in fryer basket below 135f degrees. pic discarded.
2014-10-09 14 4-601.11(a) equipment food contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. -pf observed black mold along top inside walls of ice machine- much improvement on this. also observed stickers remaining on food pans stacked as clean and knives
2014-10-09 4 2-401.11 cover and store employee drinks to prevent contamination of food or utensils. observed employee drink (water bottle) stored on food equipment in back kitchen. pic removed.
2014-03-27 47 4-602.13 nonfood contact surfaces - c: non food contact surfaces shall be cleaned at a frequency to preclude accumulation of soil residues. observed dish machine thermometers unreadable due to build-up on dial shield. buildup on around faucets of handsink
2014-03-27 14 4-602.11 equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils-frequency - p: keep ice machines clean. found significant black and pink build-up on interior of ice machine. verification needed of cleaning.
2013-08-30 14 4-601.11 (a) equipment, food-contact surfaces, nonfood-contact surfaces, and utensils. mold build up on interior chutes in ice machine and mold build up on both tea urn nozzles. cdi- all cleaned
2013-08-30 49 5-205.12 prohibiting a cross connection. back flow device designed for continuous pressure is needed.
2013-08-30 47 4-602.13 nonfood contact surfaces. some dried debris on one side of walk in freezer floor. cleaning is needed.
2013-03-26 14 4-601.11 equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. ice machine with pink and black mold build-up. microwave accumulating food debris. cdi by cleaning and sanitizing.
2013-03-26 38 2-302.11 unless wearing intact gloves in good repair; a food employee may not wear fingernail polish or artificial fingernails when working with exposed food. food employee wearing fingernail polish. cdi by instruction.
2013-03-26 42 4-901.11 after cleaning and sanitizing; equipment and utensils shall be air-dried. lexans tub stacked together while still wet.
2013-03-26 42 4-903.11 clean equipment and utensils shall be stored in a clean and dry location. holder for ice scoops accumulating debris.
2013-03-26 43 4-903.11 single-service articles shall be stored in original protective package or stored by other means that protects it from contamination. single-service articles in dry storage not covered or protected from contamination.
2013-03-26 53 6-501.12 physical facilities shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean. cleaning needed under equipment on cook line.
2013-03-26 49 5-202.14 a backflow or backsiphonage prevention device installed on a water supply system shall meet specified standards. backflow prevention device on garbage can wash does not meet design standards. backflow orevention device designed for continuis pres
2013-03-26 52 a receptacle shall be provided in each area of the food establishment or premises where refuse is generated or commonly discarded. provide a waste receptacle within close proximity of all handwashing sinks.
2013-03-26 2 2-201.11 permit holder shall require food employees and conditional employees to report to the person in charge information about their health and activities as they relate to diseases that are transmissible through food. a food employee or conditional em
2013-03-26 47 4-602.13 nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be cleaned at a frequency necessary to preclude accumulation of soil residues. dish machine and clean drain board accumulating food debris.
2012-11-12 47 gaskets of prep coolers on the cook line need to be cleaned of dried debris. cleaning of dried debris on the wall under the knife box is needed. air vents in the prep area need to be cleaned of dust build up.
2012-11-12 45 shelving over the beverage station is corroding. replace damaged shelving.
2012-11-12 42 various containers at storage area tightly stacked while wet. allow all utensils/ containers to air dry completely before stacking them tightly.

Data Source

This data was provided by Mecklenburg County, Environmental Health inspections and last updated on Jan 17, 2019. Dataset contains 2631 restaurants inspected in Mecklenburg County.

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