Restaurant Information

Facility ID 2060014272
Restaurant Name Sushi 101
Phone Number +17046720990
Last Inspection Date 2013-03-21
Last Inspection Score 99

Inspection Results

Inspection Date Score Type
2018-10-26 98 routine
2018-05-29 98 routine
2018-02-06 98 routine
2017-08-31 97 routine
2017-06-15 96 routine
2017-03-21 followup
2017-03-09 95 routine
2016-12-29 97 routine
2016-08-17 96 routine
2016-05-09 96 routine
2016-02-04 97 routine
2015-10-23 97 routine
2015-07-13 90 routine
2015-06-11 complaint
2015-05-19 followup
2015-05-12 94 routine
2015-01-06 97 routine
2014-12-11 96 routine
2014-07-22 97 routine
2014-03-13 complaint
2014-02-27 92 routine
2013-10-03 followup
2013-09-26 95 routine
2013-03-21 99 routine
2012-12-13 99 routine
Violation Date Code Description
2018-10-26 45 4-501.11 maintain equipment in good repair. observed damaged and rusting shelving in walk in cooler.
2018-10-26 42 4-901.11(a) air dry equipment and utensils after cleaning and sanitizing. observed wetstacking of containers in dish area.
2018-10-26 20 3-501.16(a)(2) maintain tcs foods in cold holding at 45f or less. -p observed one container of fish in sushi case measuring above 45f. cdi by removal of fish to freezer for rapid cooling. fish was measuring below 41f by end of inspection. improvement note
2018-05-29 47 4-601.11(c )/4-602.13 keep the equipment clean to avoid build up of dust, food residue or debris. observed debris build up on gaskets throughout facility.
2018-05-29 45 4-501.11 maintain equipment in good repair. observed damaged shelving in reach in cooler and walk in cooler.4-501.12 resurface or replace cutting surfaces that can no longer be effectively cleaned and sanitized. observed fraying of cutting boards.
2018-05-29 39 3-304.14(b) hold in-use wiping cloths in sanitizer between uses. observed wet wiping cloth stored on prep surface.
2018-05-29 37 3-305.11 store food in a clean, dry location, not exposed to contamination. keep at least 6 inches above the floor. observed containers of food stored on floor of walk in cooler and walk in freezer.
2018-05-29 20 3-501.16(a)(2) maintain tcs foods in cold holding at 45f or less. -p observed roe and tofu measuring above 45f. cdi by cooling the roe and voluntary discard of tofu.
2018-05-29 13 3-302.11(a) separate the different types of raw animal foods. -pf observed raw chicken stored over raw beef in walk in freezer. both items had been removed from origional packaging.
2018-05-29 8 5-205.11 maintain access to handsinks. handsinks may only be used for handwashing.-pf observed soy sauce puddled in handsink. upon qustioning, employee stated that bottle had broken and was held over handsink while it leaked. cdi by education about uses o
2018-02-06 35 3-302.12 label all working containers of food (oils, spices, salts) except food that is easy to identify such as dry pasta. observed a few bottles of various sauces with no labels.
2018-02-06 42 4-901.11(a) air dry equipment and utensils after cleaning and sanitizing. observed wetstacking of plastic and metal containers in dish area.
2018-02-06 14 4-601.11(a) equipment food contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. -pf observed containers stored as clean with visible debris build up. cdi by removal for recleaning.
2018-02-06 54 6-305.11/6-501.110 designate and use an area for the orderly storage of employees' clothing and possessions. observed employees jar of honey stored on clean side of dish machine.
2018-02-06 52 5-501.113(b) keep dumpster, outside waste containers covered with tight-fitting lids or doors. observed shared dumpster with open door.
2017-08-31 47 4-601.11(c )/4-602.13 keep the equipment clean to avoid build up of dust, food residue or debris. observed debris build up on shelving in walk in cooler.
2017-08-31 45 4-501.11 maintain equipment in good repair. observed chipping of paint on shelving in walk in cooler.
2017-08-31 8 6-301.11 provide soap for handwashing at each handsink. -pf observed no soap at the handsink in the dish area. cdi by providing soap.6-301.12 provide paper towels or approved alternative for hand drying at each handsink. -pf observed no paper towels at ha
2017-08-31 1 2-102.12 pic shall demonstrate knowledge by being a certified food protection manager. observed no certified food protection manager onsite during inspection.
2017-06-15 42 4-901.11(a) air dry equipment and utensils after cleaning and sanitizing. observed wetstacking of containers in dish area.
2017-06-15 39 3-304.14(b) hold in-use wiping cloths in sanitizer between uses. observed wet wiping cloth stored on prep top surface.
2017-06-15 35 3-302.12 label all working containers of food (oils, spices, salts) except food that is easy to identify such as dry pasta. observed bottles of sauce with no labels.
2017-06-15 26 | 7-201.11 store toxic materials to avoid contamination. -p observed chemical spray bottle stored improperly at bar area. cdi by removal to proper storage location.
2017-06-15 21 3-501.17 date mark/label all tcs foods that are ready-to-eat once opened or prepared and held more than 24hrs. -pf observed chicken and grilled peppers with no date mark. cdi by properly date marking.
2017-06-15 14 4-501.114 maintain sanitizer at correct concentrations when being used to sanitize. -p observed sanitizer in dish machine measuring at 0ppm. cdi by replacing sanitizer and priming machine. sanitizer began reading 50ppm.
2017-03-09 22 observed facility not following time procedure for sushi rice. time not indicated on sushi rice container in rear or at working container behind bar. amend procedure to state that sushi rice container and container at sushi make area will both house rice
2017-03-09 13 observed washed edamame on bottom shelf of 2 door reach in, in contact with shelf above. observed quail eggs over cabbage in walk in. cdi repoganized.3-302.11(a)(4) protect food in storage using covered containers, intact wrappings, or packaging.
2017-03-09 20 observed shrimp tempura, cooked at 91 degrees. pic stated extra is made for lunch rush, recommend using time as a public health control for product. cdi - discardedobserved tuna, salmon, cream cheese, cooked shrimp and roe at 47 degrees in display case, i
2017-03-09 26 observed sanitizer at 0 ppm quat in spray bottle. observed sanitizer in wiping cloths below 50 ppm.7-204.11 provide sanitizer at correct concentrations, diluting as required.-p
2017-03-09 21 observed cream cheese in display cases, and noodles in reach in at cook line. pic stated that these items may not be used within 24 hours from their prep date. since items may be held more than 24 hours they must be dated.3-501.17 date mark/label all tcs
2017-03-09 39 observed wiping cloths stored on counters throughout. cdi - all moved during inspection without direct inspector intervention.3-304.14(b) hold in-use wiping cloths in sanitizer between uses.
2017-03-09 45 observed several damaged shelves in reach in refrigerator at cook line.4-501.11 maintain equipment in good repair.
2017-03-09 33 observed shrimp thawing in container on side of three compartment sink.3-501.13 use approved thawing methods.
2016-12-29 6 2-301.12c to avoid recontaminating their hands, food employees may use disposable paper towels or similar clean barrier when touching surfaces such as manually operating handsink faucets or touching the handle of a door. observe employee wash hands and
2016-12-29 52 5-501.114 ensure drain plug on dumpsters, waste containers is in place. drain plug in dumpster not present.5-501.113(b) keep dumpster, outside waste containers covered with tight-fitting lids or doors. door to dumpster was open. cdi- door closed.
2016-12-29 45 4-501.12 resurface or replace cutting surfaces that can no longer be effectively cleaned and sanitized. observed several scarred cutting boards. repair or re-surface.
2016-12-29 39 3-304.14(b) cloths in-use for wiping counters and other equipment shall be held between uses in a chemical sanitizer solution at the proper concentration. one sanitizer bucket was recorded at 50ppm quat. cdi- sanitizer discarded.
2016-12-29 35 3-302.12 label all working containers of food (oils, spices, salts) except food that is easy to identify such as dry pasta. observed many oil/water bottles not labeled. label all bottles. no points deducted.
2016-12-29 8 6-301.12 provide paper towels or approved alternative for hand drying at each handsink. -pf no paper towels at front handwash sink. cdi- paper towels provided.
2016-08-17 39 3-304.14(b) hold in-use wiping cloths in sanitizer between uses. observed 3 wet wiping cloths stored on preparation cutting boards while not in use.
2016-08-17 22 3-501.19 provide and follow written procedures for foods held using time as a public health control (tphc). clearly mark foods with begin and end times. all food not sold by the end of 4 hours shall be discarded. -p/pf observed sushi rice held using appr
2016-08-17 20 3-501.16(a)(2) maintain tcs foods in cold holding at 45f or less. -p observed one container of kale stored at room temperature above 45f (see chart). cdi- ice was placed onto kale to cool and keep the product cold.
2016-08-17 13 3-302.11(a) separate raw animal foods from ready-to-eat foods. -p observed cooked shrimp stored in direct contact with raw tuna in a sushi display case and raw scallops stored on a shelf above limes in a reach in cooler. cdi- storage rearranged.
2016-08-17 4 2-401.11 cover and store employee drinks to prevent contamination of food or utensils. observed an opened soda can stored on a sushi prep. cutting board. beverage was relocated.
2016-05-09 7 3-301.11(b) do not contact exposed ready-to-eat food with bare hands. use suitable utensils, single-use gloves or dispensing equipment.-p observed employee place limes in water glasses without gloves on. cdi by instruction.
2016-05-09 37 3-307.11 protect food from contamination sources not specifically noted by code. observed chop sticks and a knife used for food preparation stored in a sushi display case drip pan.
2016-05-09 13 3-302.11(a) separate the different types of raw animal foods. -p observed one package of pork sausage stored in direct contact with beef roast packages. cdi- storage rearranged. 3-302.11(a) separate raw animal foods from ready-to-eat foods. -p observe
2016-05-09 53 6-502.12 floors, walls, ceilings including the attachments such as soap, towel dispensers; light fixtures; and heat/ac vent covers shall be clean. caution should be used to minimize food exposure. observed dust accumulation on ceiling tiles above the fl
2016-05-09 21 3-501.18 discard the food requiring date labels once time/temperature window has expired, if it is not been labeled, or if the label is incorrect. -p observed stuffed peppers with crab filling dated 5/1, spring rolls dated 5/1, and egg rolls dated 5/1 in
2016-02-04 45 4-501.11 maintain equipment in good repair. observed one reach in cooler operating with an ambient air temperature of 47f. instructed pci to discontinue use of cooling unit until it can hold foods at 45f or below.
2016-02-04 22 3-501.19 provide and follow written procedures for foods held using time as a public health control (tphc). clearly mark foods with begin and end times. all food not sold by the end of 4 hours shall be discarded. -p/pf observed tphc being used for sushi
2016-02-04 20 3-501.16(a)(2) maintain tcs foods in cold holding at 45f or less. -p observed kale used as a garnish being stored at room temperature above 45f and foods in a reach in cooler above 45f (see temp. chart). cdi- kale placed on tphc, foods in reach in coole
2015-10-23 45 4-501.11 maintain equipment in good repair. observed 8 torn gaskets on cold holding equipment where sushi preparation is done and rusty shelving in a sushi preparation reach in cooler.
2015-10-23 37 3-305.11 store food in a clean, dry location, not exposed to contamination. keep at least 6 inches above the floor. observed 2 sauce buckets stored on the floor in the walk in cooler and one package of food stored on the floor in the walk in freezer.
2015-10-23 31 3-501.15 quickly cool foods. use methods such as open/vented shallow pans, large ice baths and active stirring. cold air must flow around product to remove the heat. -pf observed two bowls of cooked spicy tuna mix cooling while tightly wrapped in a rea
2015-10-23 26 7-102.11 label working containers of toxic materials such as cleaners and sanitizers.-pf observed one unlabeled chemical spray bottle. cdi- label added.
2015-10-23 22 3-501.19 provide and follow written procedures for foods held using time as a public health control (tphc). clearly mark foods with begin and end times. all food not sold by the end of 4 hours shall be discarded. -p/pf observed sushi rice left over from
2015-07-13 6 2-301.14 wash hands before donning gloves and between gloves uses.-p 2-301.14 wash hands after activities that contaminate them.-p2-301.15 only wash hands in handwashing sink.-pf 2-301.14 wash hands after handling soiled equipment or utensils and before
2015-07-13 7 3-301.11(b) do not contact exposed ready-to-eat food with bare hands. use suitable utensils, single-use gloves or dispensing equipment.-p observed cook bare hand contact fresh cooked chicken and multiple ready to eat foods in top of prep unit. cdi- cdi-
2015-07-13 8 6-301.11 provide soap for handwashing at each handsink. -pf observed hand sink at wait station not in use with no soap and employee beverage and clothes in sink. 5-205.11 maintain access to handsinks. handsinks may only be used for handwashing.-pf
2015-07-13 1 2-103.11(a-l) pic shall ensure rules in the code for food safety and handling are met. observed facility staff not date marking, time marking tphc, bare hand contacting ready to eat foods and not washing hands when necessary. pic failed to oversee these
2015-07-13 14 4-501.114 maintain sanitizer at correct concentrations. -p observed dish machine not sanitizinig, 0 ppm chlorine. cdi- repaired onsite
2015-07-13 27 3-502.11 obtain a variance for specialized processes.-pf facility continues to fail to protect sushi rice using tphc. on a recent unrelated visit conducted before facility opened to public, sushi rice from the previous day was observed. it was discarded.
2015-07-13 22 3-501.19 provide and follow written procedures for foods held using time as a public health control (tphc). clearly mark foods with begin and end times. all food not sold by the end of 4 hours shall be discarded. -p/pf observed facility failed again to ti
2015-07-13 21 3-501.17 date mark/label all tcs foods that are ready-to-eat once opened or prepared and held more than 24hrs. -pf observed multiple cooked tcs foods prepared onsite and in freezer not date marked. cdi- date marked
2015-07-13 30 8-103.11 provide the required information to obtain a variance to the regulatory authority.-pf see 27
2015-07-13 39 3-304.14(d) maintain dry wiping cloths free of visible debris and soil. maintain sanitizer containers for in-use cloths free of visible debris and soil. observed soiled wiping towel stored on cutting board.
2015-05-12 36 6-501.111 keep the premises free of insects, rodents, and other pests. observed three roaches in around bottom of one prep unit. vr
2015-05-12 35 3-601.12 food for sale to public shall be honestly presented. observed sushi menu call item tai ( japanese snapper ). the actual item is tilapia. vr3-302.12 label all working containers of food (oils, spices, salts) except food that is easy to identify su
2015-05-12 20 3-501.16(a)(2) maintain tcs foods in cold holding at 45f or less. -p observed some raw eggs in top of prep unit at 53 f, cooked chicken at 68 f and cooked beef at 59 f in bottom of unit. cdi- removed to flash cool
2015-05-12 13 3-302.11(a) separate raw animal foods from ready-to-eat foods. -p observed cook turned fully cooked chicken with same tongs used to retrieve raw chicken. cdi- reheated ; instruction provided
2015-05-12 7 3-301.11(b) do not contact exposed ready-to-eat food with bare hands. use suitable utensils, single-use gloves or dispensing equipment.-p observed cook bare hand hold down cooked chicken breast to cut. cdi- reheated ; instruction provided
2015-05-12 6 2-301.14 wash hands after handling soiled equipment or utensils and before food preparation, handling clean equipment and utensils and unwrapped single-use/single-service articles.-p observed sushi chef walk with gloves on to walk in cooler, open and proc
2015-01-06 21 3-501.17 date mark all tcs foods that are ready-to-eat once opened or prepared and held more than 24hrs. observed multiple cooked tcs foods in rolls and pieces of sashimi tuna not date marked. vr for date marking
2014-12-11 4 2-401.11 cover and store employee drinks to prevent contamination of food or utensils. observed employee beverages with no lid. cdi- instruction provided
2014-12-11 6 2-301.14 wash hands before donning gloves and between gloves uses. observed food employee handle raw fish with gloves on; removed rt. glove and replace with new and not wash hands. cdi- instruction provided
2014-12-11 13 & 3-302.11(a) separate raw animal foods from ready-to-eat foods. observed sushi chef cutting raw fish making suhi rolls, with gloves fill bowl with seaweed appetizer not on consumer advisory. cdi- instruction provided.
2014-12-11 22 3-501.19 provide and follow written procedures for foods held using time as a public health control (tphc). clearly mark foods with start and finish times. all food not sold by the end of 4 hours shall be discarded. observed cooling batch of sushi rice at
2014-12-11 33 3-501.13 use approved thawing methods. observed tuna thawed in rop with written instruction staing removed before thawing . cdi- all removed from packaging
2014-12-11 21 3-501.17 date mark all tcs foods that are ready-to-eat once opened or prepared and held more than 24hrs. observed multiple portions of ready to eat sashimi not date marked. vr date marking
2014-07-22 51 5-501.17 ensure ladies restroom has covered receptacle. observed uncovered receptacles in ladies stalls.
2014-07-22 21 3-501.17 ensure open, ready to eat tcs foods are properly date marked. observed some ready to eat sushi under neath area of prep unit not date marked. cdi- reoved and date marked
2014-07-22 1 2-102.12 ensure facility has pic with certified food protection manager during all hours of operation.
2014-02-27 13 3-302.11 packaged and unpackaged food-separation, packaging, and segregation ensure all raw proteins are stored to prevent accidental contamination of ready to eat foods. observed raw shrimp stored above cooked chicken rolls.vr for reorganization.
2014-02-27 4 2-401.11 eating, drinking, or using tobacco ensure employee beverages are stored so as not to contaminate food/food preparation areas, clean utensils and hand sinks. observed multiple emplyeee beverages stored on hand sink. cdi- removed
2014-02-27 6 2-301.14 when to wash ensure food employees wash hands at appropriate times so as not to contaminate food. observed multiple employees handling raw sashimi and ready to eat foods without washing hands in between. observed multiple food employees not wash
2014-02-27 1 2-103.11 (a)-(l)person-in-charge-duties pic shall ensure/oversee safe food processes including buyt not limited to proper santization of utensils/equipment, proper handling of food , proper hot/cold holding / final cook temperatures and handwashing.observ
2014-02-27 14 4-501.114 manual and mechanical warewashing equipment, chemical sanitization-temperature, ph, concentration and hardness ensure in use sanitizing solutions are at proper concentration and not visibly soiled. observed sanitizingsolution visibly soiled with
2014-02-27 7 3-301.11 preventing contamination from hands ensure no bare hand contact of ready to eat foods. observed multiple sushi chefs rolling sushi with bare hands and food employee placing ready to eat foods on plate with bare hands . cdi-pic had them donn glove
2014-02-27 22 3-501.19 time as a public health control ensure written procedures for tphc are properly followed. observed sushi rice containerr labeled 1030-430 cdi- relabeled correctly.
2014-02-27 33 3-501.12 potentially hazardous food (time/temperature control for safety food), slacking ensure tcs foods are properly and effectively thawed to prevent contamination. observed chicken in sink in container of water, no running water. and tuna thawed in p
2014-02-27 37 3-305.11 food storage-preventing contamination from the premises ensure foods are not stored on floor. observed open boxes of chicken stored on floor being worked out of and bag of onions on floor in rear kitchen. cdi- removed from floor
2014-02-27 44 3-304.15 (b)-(d) gloves, use limitations observed food employee washing disposable glove in between raw and ready to eat foods. cdi- instruction provided if used, single-use gloves shall be used for only one task such as working with ready-to-eat food or
2014-02-27 21 3-501.17 ready-to-eat potentially hazardous food (time/temperature control for safety food), date marking ensure all foods that are opened, time/temperature control for safety (tcs) and ready-to-eat are properly date marked(41f=7 days/42-45f=4days). obser
2013-09-26 1 2-102.12 certified food protection manager. observed no certified food protection manager on duty during inspection. must be in place by january 1, 2014.
2013-09-26 6 2-301.14 when to wash. wash hands and change gloves when changing tasks causes gloves to become soiled. observed employee rolling sushi with gloved hands, wiping counter with damp wiping cloth which was sitting on counter, then resuming rolling sushi with
2013-09-26 8 6-301.14 handwashing signage. observed no signage at front cook line hand sink.
2013-09-26 23 3-603.11 consumption of animal foods that are raw, undercooked, or not otherwise processed to eliminate pathogens. provide complete consumer advisory for raw or undercooked animal foods. observed menu and to-go menu each had disclosure as contains raw fis
2013-09-26 27 3-502.11 variance requirement. variance required for acidifying rice to render it non-potentially hazardous. observed acidified rice held without temperature control and without approved variance. vr - corrected for today by changing to time as a public h
2013-09-26 30 8-103.11 documentation of proposed variance and justification. observed no variance in place for sushi rice. will return friday october 4 to ensure that time as a public health control is being used until and unless such variance is on site.
2013-09-26 39 3-304.14 wiping cloths, use limitation. store damp wiping cloths in sanitizer between uses. observed three damp wiping cloths sitting on countertops. repeat.
2013-09-26 45 4-501.11 good repair and proper adjustment-equipment. observed one split gasket, crack in base of outside can wash.
2013-03-21 2 2-201.11. employees shall understand when to report illnesses; symptoms and exposure and pic shall understand when to allow ill employees to return to work. employee health policy is in place but more review would be good. continue educating.
2013-03-21 1 2-102.12 ensure a certified food protection manager is on site at all times. observed no certified food protection manager. certified manager must be in place by january 1; 2014.
2013-03-21 21 3-501.17. properly date mark tcs rte foods which will be held in facility for more than 24 hours after opening or preparation. observed many but not all required foods date marked - aioli sauce made with tcs mayonnaise; cut leafy greens; half and half; ch
2013-03-21 23 3-603.11. ensure complete consumer advisory is provided for foods served raw or undercooked. consumer advisory must include disclosure and reminder. observed menu in the process of being revised. facility is switching from flat menu to book style. handout
2013-03-21 27 3-502.11. facility is using specialized food processes that have not been approved by the regulatory authority. observed no variance for sushi rice. corrected by leaving variance application and information with pic. once application has been completed;
2013-03-21 39 3-304.14. store damp wiping cloths in container of sanitizer between uses. sanitizer must be proper strength; container must be labeled and stored off the floor. observed two damp wiping cloths on countertops during inspection.
2013-03-21 35 3-302.12. except for containers holding food that can be readily and unmistakably recognized such as dry pasta; working containers holding food or food ingredients that are removed from their original packages for use in the food establishment; such as co
2013-03-21 45 4-501.11. maintain equipment in good repair. observed rusted shelving and split gaskets.
2013-03-21 30 8-103.11. obtain a variance from the state committee for any specialized food processing method described in 8-103.11. a haccp plan may be required. observed no variance for sushi rice. cdi by instruction. see also 27.
2012-12-13 21 3-501.17. date mark tcs (time temperature control for safety) rte (ready to eat) foods which will be held in facility for more than 24 hours after preparing or opening. observed undated cut cabbage; raw fish for sushi service. corrected by instruction.
2012-12-13 45 4-501.11. keep equipment in good repair. observed rusted racks and split gasket.
2012-12-13 41 3-304.12. store clean utensils between uses on clean dry surface or in water at or above 135f. observed knife stored in room temperature water near sushi counter.
2012-12-13 39 3-304.14. store damp wiping cloths in sanitizer solution between uses. observed damp sanitizer cloths sitting on prep surfaces.
2012-12-13 30 obtain a variance from the state committee for any specialized food processing method described in 8-103.11. a haccp plan may be required. observed no variance for sushi rice. cdi by instruction. guidance will be provided for variance procedure after more
2012-12-13 27 facility is using specialized food processes that have not been approved by the regulatory authority. (3-502.11) observed no variance for sushi rice; cdi by instruction. guidance will be provided for variance procedure after more information is received f
2012-12-13 23 3-603.11. provide complete consumer advisory for any animal food served raw or undercooked. observed no consumer advisory in place on menu. recommended pic send menu draft to ehs at address given on business card for review if in doubt of accuracy and com
2012-12-13 1 2-102.12. pic must be certified before january 1; 2014. observed uncertified pic.

Data Source

This data was provided by Mecklenburg County, Environmental Health inspections and last updated on Jan 17, 2019. Dataset contains 2631 restaurants inspected in Mecklenburg County.

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