Restaurant Information

Facility ID 2060013610
Restaurant Name Novant Health Charlotte Orthopedic Hospital
Phone Number +17043161414
Last Inspection Date 2018-05-03
Last Inspection Score 100

Inspection Results

Inspection Date Score Type
2019-01-03 97 routine
2018-10-04 97 routine
2018-07-16 96 routine
2018-05-03 100 routine
2018-02-16 98 routine
2017-11-06 98 routine
2017-08-10 99 routine
2017-05-10 100 routine
2017-02-23 98 routine
2016-12-05 98 routine
2016-09-30 97 routine
2016-06-29 99 routine
2016-02-24 99 routine
2015-10-28 97 routine
2015-03-26 98 routine
2014-12-03 97 routine
2014-09-15 99 routine
2014-06-18 98 routine
2014-03-27 99 routine
2013-11-25 99 routine
2013-09-26 98 routine
2013-06-21 97 routine
2013-03-21 99 routine
2012-12-07 97 routine
Violation Date Code Description
2019-01-03 42 4-901.11(a) air dry equipment and utensils after cleaning and sanitizing. observed plastic lids stacked wet after cleaning in dish area.
2019-01-03 31 3-501.15 quickly cool foods. use methods such as open/vented shallow pans, large ice baths and active stirring. cold air must flow around product to remove the heat. -pf observed bbq cooling after preparation tightly covered by aluminum foil and plastic
2019-01-03 19 3-501.16(a)(1) maintain tcs foods in hot holding at 135f or above. -p observed pasta, diced chicken, and marinara sauce hot holding below 135f. cdi-employee removed all items to reheat to 165f or above.
2019-01-03 18 3-501.14(b) quickly cool tcs foods that are prepared from room temperature ingredients. food must be to 45f within 4 hours. -p observed marinara sauce at 51 f on a plastic covered speed rack inside walk in cooler. pic stated marinara was recently opened
2019-01-03 14 4-601.11(a) equipment food contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. -pf observed clear plastic lids and plates stored in clean area with food debris. cdi-removed for rewash.4-602.11 equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils-freq
2018-10-04 19 3-501.16(a)(1) maintain tcs foods in hot holding at 135f or above. -p: found oatmeal in hotbox less than 135 f. item is eventually held on tphc, so it is important to maintain at 135 f or above during holding. cdi- oatmeal voluntarily discarded.
2018-10-04 21 3-501.18 discard the food requiring date labels once time/temperature window has expired, if it is not been labeled, or if the label is incorrect. -p: found mozzarella and feta one day past maximum hold time. cdi- both items voluntarily discarded.
2018-10-04 1 2-102.12 pic shall demonstrate knowledge by being a certified food protection manager. no one certified by approved program during first half of inspection. certified person arrived during inspection.
2018-10-04 39 3-304.14(e) store sanitizer containers used for wet wiping cloths off the floor. sanitizer in wiping cloth bucket 0 ppm quat.
2018-07-16 37 6-404.11 designate a separate area for items that are not for use and are being held for credit, such as dented cans or recalled products. -pf: found one dented can on rack with retail food. cdi- can pulled and placed on quarantine cart.
2018-07-16 33 3-501.13 use approved thawing methods. observed raw chicken thawing in 3-comp sink under running water of 80 f. chicken was completely thawedand warm to touch. cdi- chicken immediately pulled from thawing to begin prep.
2018-07-16 31 3-501.15 quickly cool foods. use methods such as open/vented shallow pans, large ice baths and active stirring. cold air must flow around product to remove the heat. -pf : found rice noodles in deep volume, cooling covered in walk-in. found tightly pack
2018-07-16 22 3-501.19 provide and follow written procedures for foods held using time as a public health control (tphc). clearly mark foods with begin and end times. all food not sold by the end of 4 hours shall be discarded. -p/pf: found food held on tphc with no lab
2018-07-16 20 3-501.16(a)(2) maintain tcs foods in cold holding at 45f or less. -p: found deli ham, turkey in refrigerator 48 f.
2018-07-16 19 3-501.16(a)(1) maintain tcs foods in hot holding at 135f or above. -p: found turkey burger and pizza holding below 135 f. refer to temperature chart above.
2018-07-16 18 3-501.14(a) quickly cool cooked foods within 2 hours from 135f to 70f; and within a total of 6 hours from 135f to 45f. -p : found pan of pasta 46 f from cooling previous day. cdi- pasta voluntarily discarded.
2018-05-03 39 3-304.14(b) hold in-use wiping cloths in sanitizer between uses. found quat sanitizer at 0 ppm in bucket.
2018-02-16 6 2-301.14 wash hands before donning gloves and between gloves uses.-p : observed employee at grill handle raw burgers with gloved hands, remove gloves and put on new without handwash. employee then touched bread with new gloves. cdi- pic voluntarily discar
2018-02-16 39 3-304.14(b) hold in-use wiping cloths in sanitizer between uses. found one sanitizer bucket with cloths below 150 ppm quat.
2018-02-16 47 4-601.11(c )/4-602.13 keep the equipment clean to avoid build up of dust, food residue or debris. observed somepink build-up on non-food contact surfaces of beverage dispenser.
2017-11-06 47 4-601.11(c )/4-602.13 keep the equipment clean to avoid build up of dust, food residue or debris. observed food debris accumulating on shelves of warmer.
2017-11-06 31 3-501.15 quickly cool foods. use methods such as open/vented shallow pans, large ice baths and active stirring. cold air must flow around product to remove the heat. -pf: observed rice and okra cooling tightly covered in walk-in. cdi- pic voluntarily de
2017-11-06 18 3-501.14(a) quickly cool cooked foods within 2 hours from 135f to 70f; and within a total of 6 hours from 135f to 45f. -p: observed rice cooling at a rate of .4 degrees f /minute. found okra cooling at a rate of .225 degrees f / minute. cdi- pic volunta
2017-11-06 14 4-602.11 clean the equipment and utensils used with nontcs foods as required to avoid contamination. observed black build-up on soda dispenser nozzles after detaching exterior nozzle covers. observed build-up on inside of ice tea urn dispenser.
2017-11-06 11 3-202.15 food packaging has be in good condition, intact and protect the food inside. found one dented can on can storage rack. cdi- can pulled from rack.
2017-08-10 36 6-501.111 keep the premises free of insects, rodents, and other pests. observed drain fly in kitchen. call made to pest control contractor.
2017-08-10 21 .3-501.17 date mark/label all tcs foods that are ready-to-eat once opened or prepared and held more than 24hrs. -pf: found cooked chicken breast dated 8/10 with actual prep date of 8/9. cdi- allowed to back date. ensure kitchen staff date marks food accur
2017-08-10 53 6-501.11 floors, walls, and ceilings including the attachments such as soap and towel dispensers; light fixtures; and heat/ac vents shall be maintained in good repair. observed area of peeling paint under dish machine.
2017-05-10 39 3-304.14(b) hold in-use wiping cloths in sanitizer between uses. observed dampcloths on surfaces in kitchen.
2017-02-23 43 4-904.11 display and handle single-use and single-service articles to prevent contamination. observed unprotected cup lips.
2017-02-23 6 2-301.12. follow the cleaning procedure to adequately wash your hands. use warm water, soap, scrub 15 secs, rinse, and dry without recontaminating hands.-p: observed employee re-contaminate hands after washing by turning offhandsink faucets withoutestabli
2016-12-05 43 4-903.11(a) store single-use and single-service articles to prevent contamination and at least 6 inches off the floor. observed single-use cups in common area with unprotected lip contact service.
2016-12-05 38 2-303.11 remove jewelry on hands and arms while preparing food. a plain ring, such as a wedding band, is allowed. observed some employees with wristwatches and unapproved rings on fingers. foodprepnot observed by these employees.
2016-12-05 22 3-501.19 provide and follow written procedures for foods held using time as a public health control (tphc). clearly mark foods with begin and end times. all food not sold by the end of 4 hours shall be discarded. -p/pf: found some foods held on tphc that
2016-12-05 16 3-401.11 cook raw animal foods to required temperatures. do not interrupt the cooking process without approved procedures. -p: found par-cooked chicken in walk-in cooler from previous day. chicken was 40 f on a sheet tray at the bottom off of a speed car
2016-09-30 14 4-602.11 clean the equipment and utensils used with tcs foods as required to avoid contamination. -pobserved can opener blade collecting residue, pic stated that can opener is wiped every day and cleaned weekly. cdi - disassembled and washed.
2016-09-30 21 3-501.18 discard the food requiring date labels once time/temperature window has expired, if it is not been labeled, or if the label is incorrect. -p observed hot dogs opened stored in walkin refrigerator with 30 day date mark. cdi - open dated listed
2016-09-30 42 4-901.11(a) air dry equipment and utensils after cleaning and sanitizing.observed wet. stacked plate cover in kitchen.
2016-09-30 43 4-903.11(a) store single-use and single-service articles to prevent contamination and at least 6 inches off the floor.observed single service cups stored in common area with mouth contact areas uncovered.
2016-06-29 39 3-304.14(b) hold in-use wiping cloths in sanitizer between uses. found damp wiping cloths on surfaces in kitchen.
2016-06-29 31 3-501.15 quickly cool foods. use methods such as open/vented shallow pans, large ice baths and active stirring. cold air must flow around product to remove the heat. -pf : found sliced chicken in covered container 95 f after one hour. properly vent cool
2016-02-24 42 4-901.11(a) air dry equipment and utensils after cleaning and sanitizing. - observed some pans and sheet trays stacked wet.
2016-02-24 31 repeat violation 3-501.15 quickly cool foods. use methods such as open/vented shallow pans, large ice baths and active stirring. cold air must flow around product to remove the heat. -pf - observed cut melon, chicken salad and tomatoes cooling tightly
2016-02-24 19 general comment 3-501.16(a)(1) maintain tcs foods in hot holding at 135f or above. -p - observed sausage in the hot box at 113f. cdi - sausage was voluntarily discarded.
2015-10-28 13 3-302.11(a) separate raw animal foods from ready-to-eat foods. -p - observed a box of raw turkey sausage stored above biscuits and gravy. keep all raw products below ready to eat items. cdi -sausage was moved to the bottom of the speed rack.
2015-10-28 31 3-501.15 quickly cool foods. use methods such as open/vented shallow pans, large ice baths and active stirring. cold air must flow around product to remove the heat. -pf - observed cut tomatoes tightly covered in the front reach in. tomatoes were 51f.
2015-10-28 22 3-501.19 provide and follow written procedures for foods held using time as a public health control (tphc). clearly mark foods with begin and end times. all food not sold by the end of 4 hours shall be discarded. -p/pf - observed breakfast and lunch items
2015-10-28 45 general comment 4-501.11 maintain equipment in good repair. - observed split gaskets on the patient reach in cooler and on the reach in cooler and freezer by the fryer area. replace gaskets.
2015-03-26 47 4-602.13 nonfood contact surfaces - c; keep non-food contact surfaces clean; observed shelving underneath microwaves collecting debris in need of cleaning.
2015-03-26 13 3-302.11 packaged and unpackaged food-separation, packaging, and segregation - p; properly store raw meat products;' observed raw fish and raw turkey stored above cooked chicken in walk-in cooler; cdi raw meats properly stored according to final cook temp
2014-12-03 45 (general comment) 4-202.16 nonfood-contact surfaces - c; keep equipment in good repair; observed split/torn gasket on holding unit in need of repair.
2014-12-03 19 3-501.16 (a)(1) potentially hazardous food (time/temperature control for safety food), hot and cold holding - p; properly hot hold phf products; observed tukey breast with gravy and stuffing stored inside hot box holding unit measuring 120 degrees f. cdi
2014-12-03 18 3-501.14 cooling - p; properly cool phf products; observed large container of gravy inside walk-in cooler measuring 74 degrees f; cdi gravy discarded.
2014-09-15 31 3-501.15 cooling methods; properly cool using approved methods; observed numerous food products (tuna salad, deli meats) wrapped in containers stored in walk-in cooler measuring 55-60 degrees f; cdi all items unwrapped to quickly cool.
2014-06-18 47 4-602.13 nonfood contact surfaces; keep non-food contact surfaces clean; observed shelving throughout collecting debris in need of cleaning; observed surfaces of equipment collecting debris in need of cleaning.
2014-06-18 14 4-601.11 (a) equipment, food-contact surfaces, nonfood-contact surfaces, and utensils; properly wash, rinse and sanitize food contact surfaces; observed numerous tea nozzles stored clean with food debris stuck to surfaces; nozzles broken down and placed i
2014-03-27 45 4-202.11 food-contact surfaces-cleanability; keep food equipment in good repair; observed numerous tongs / spoons with damaged handles in need of replacing; observed stained/gouged cutting boards in kitchen area in need of resurfacing.
2013-11-25 45 (general comment) keep equipment in good repair; observed damaged plastic containers that are melted in need of discarding.
2013-11-25 14 properly wash, rinse and sanitize; observed dishes stored clean with food debris stuck to surfaces; dishes pulled and placed into dirty dish pit.
2013-09-26 37 prevent contamination of food during storage, preparing, serving; observed condiments for salad bar stored in containers that expose food to customer contamination.
2013-09-26 35 3-602.11 food labels;3-602.12 other forms of informationobserved establishment packaging food products for self service missing required labeling; cdi education, in place by next inspection.
2013-09-26 31 (general comment) properly cool phf products using approved methods; observed phf products wrapped in plastic while cooling in walk-in cooler; remove plastic wrap until completely cooled.
2013-09-26 20 properly cold hold phf products; observed shredded cheese, diced deli meats stored on cold holding unit measuring 64 degrees f; switch to unit was turned off and was turned back on during inspection. all food in question was discarded by management.
2013-06-21 8 (general comment) provide hand wash signs at all employee hand washing sinks; observed hand washing signs missing from employee hand sinks.
2013-06-21 16 properly cook to required temperatures; observed backed ziti cooked to 118-128 degrees f; ziti stored inside hot box during time of inspection; ziti reheated and placed back into hot holding unit.
2013-06-21 20 properly cold hold phf products; observed various cheese; diced tomaotes; tuna salad sandwiches all stored in cold holding unit which was not functioning properly; all products were measuring 55-57 degrees f; all items transferred to walk-in cooler and re
2013-06-21 23 (general comment) provide consumer advisory for all raw animal products served raw or undercooked; observed eggs cooked to order with no advisory posted. cdi education in place by next inspection.
2013-06-21 42 (general comment) properly store clean equipment to prevent contamination; observed large container of clean equipment/utensils stored within splash zone of hand washing sink.
2013-03-21 38 (general comment) except for a plain ring such as a wedding band; while preparing food; food employees may not wear jewelry including medical information jewelry on their arms and hands. observed numerous employees wearing bracelets and watches while prep
2013-03-21 19 properly hot hold phf products; observed grilled chicken/turkey burgers/beef burgers stored on grill top measuring 129-133 degrees f. more broth added to items to maintain uniform temperature; temperatures maintained at 155 and higher once broth added.
2012-12-07 41 properly store in use utensils; observed metal bowl stored down in dry food products in kitchen area.
2012-12-07 19 3-501.16 (a)(1) properly hot hold phf products; observed cooked noodles; and pasta stored in hot holding unit measuring 99-128 degrees f; products pulled and properly reheated.
2012-12-07 13 3-302.11 properly store raw meat products; observed raw chicken stored above rte food products in stand up refrigerator. raw meats properly stored accoridng to final cooking temperature.

Data Source

This data was provided by Mecklenburg County, Environmental Health inspections and last updated on Jan 17, 2019. Dataset contains 2631 restaurants inspected in Mecklenburg County.

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Name Address
Novant Health Charlotte Orthopedic Hospital 1901 Randolph Road, Charlotte, Nc 28207

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