
We have found 5 schools in Middlebury, Vermont.

This data was provided by National Center for Education Statistics and last updated in year 2018.
School Name Address Grades From Grades To
Patricia A. Hannaford Career Center 51 Charles Avenue, Middlebury, 05753 VT 9th grade 12th grade
Middlebury ID #4 School 201 Mary Hogan Drive, Middlebury, 05753 VT Prekindergarten 6th grade
Middlebury Union High School 73 Charles Avenue, Middlebury, 05753 VT 9th grade 12th grade
Weybridge Elementary School 210 Quaker Village Road, Middlebury, 05753 VT Prekindergarten 6th grade
Middlebury Union Middle School 48 Deerfield Lane, Middlebury, 05753 VT 7th grade 8th grade