We have found 9 restaurant inspection results in Sandy Valley, Las Vegas.

Database contains 23701 restaurants registered in Las Vegas along with their inspections results. This data was provided by Southern Nevada Health District and last updated on Feb 05, 2019.
Restaurant Name Address
Idle Spurs Lounge 1650 E Quartz, Sandy Valley, Nevada 89019
Carter's Cafe 777 E Quartz Ave, Sandy Valley, Nevada 89019-8501
Hk Pizza Stone - Deleted 6/15/16 Hm 777 E Quartz Ct C, Sandy Valley, Nevada 89019
Trails End General - Snack Bar 600 E Quartz Ave, Sandy Valley, Nevada 89019
Spurs Snack Shack Pusf 1650 E Quartz Ave, Sandy Valley, Nevada 89019
Sandy Valley School Kitchen 1420 E Pearl St, Sandy Valley, Nevada 89019
Morelia Taco Shop - Deleted 10/26/15 Per Owner 600 E Quartz, Sandy Valley, Nevada 89019
Sidewinder Cafe 777 E Quartz Ave C, Sandy Valley, Nevada 89019
The Cluck-N-Moo Cafe 777 E Quartz C, Sandy Valley, Nevada 89019