Gary Kane is an employee of New York Convention Center Operating Corporation. This person's job title is Hilooperator.

Person Information

Name Gary Kane
Department New York Convention Center Operating Corporation
Title HiLoOperator
Total Salary $3,954.57
Year 03/31/2014


Department Name New York Convention Center Operating Corporation
Employees number 9883
Average Salary $15,393.00
Maximum Salary $341,154.04

Other employees in New York Convention Center Operating Corporation

Name Title Total Salary
Rayneir Gamboa CarpenterJourneyman $6,353.56
Daniel Sarnicola ShowElectricianJourneyman $15,862.50
Leroy Cornetty ShowElectricianJourneyman $2,996.25
Norris Flemming CarpenterJourneyman $5,546.38
Jeffrey Loschin ShowElectricianJourneyman $816.00
Grace Akua Boamah Cleaner237PartTime $15,936.06
Mark Klimek CarpenterJourneyman $4,882.27
Michael A Hernandez ShowElectricianJourneyman $499.50
Rafael Angel Mulero Cleaner237PartTime $807.78
Angel Moreno PublicSafetyOfficer237 $47,634.71

Job Title

Job title HiLoOperator
Employees number 639
Average Salary $16,209.00
Maximum Salary $147,755.70

Other employees with HiLoOperator job title

Name Department Total Salary
Standley Edmond New York Convention Center Operating Corporation $1,579.16
Harry J. Salerno New York Convention Center Operating Corporation $1,186.43
John Macko New York Convention Center Operating Corporation $3,868.62
John Hoy New York Convention Center Operating Corporation $3,043.00
Ronald White New York Convention Center Operating Corporation $44,643.30
Christopher Caravaglio New York Convention Center Operating Corporation $666.43
Ricardo Navarro New York Convention Center Operating Corporation $663.68
Richard Cartwright New York Convention Center Operating Corporation $1,848.23
O'Neal Kerr New York Convention Center Operating Corporation $30,103.17
Vernest Brown New York Convention Center Operating Corporation $1,710.81

Salary History

Year Department Title Total Salary Has Employees Group Base Annualized Salary Actual Salary Paid
03/31/2014 New York Convention Center Operating Corporation HiLoOperator 3954.57 - Operational $3954.57 $2121.04

Data Source

This data was provided by New York Authorities Budget Office and last updated on Dec 31, 2017. Dataset contains 286313 employees in New York.
