Tyler Heights Elementary

Tyler Heights Elementary is a regular school located in Annapolis, Maryland. This schoool offers grades from Prekindergarten to 5th grade.

Contact Information

School Name Tyler Heights Elementary
Phone (410)222-1630
Education Agency Name Anne Arundel County Public Schools
School Mailing Address 200 Janwall St
21403 MD
School Address 200 Janwall St
21403 MD
Status Open
Status Date 01/22/2018

School Address

Street 200 Janwall St
City Annapolis
ZIP 21403

School Identifiers

Identifier of the reporting state agency 01
Supervisory Union (SU) Identification Number
State Local Education Number MD-02
NCES Agency Identification Number 2400060
State school identifier MD-02-024262
School Identifier (NCES) 240006000136
Unique school ID 2400136

School Type

School type (code) Regular School
Reconstituted flag No
Mailing or Location address is in another state No
Whether a Charter school No
Charter authorizer name (1)
Charter authorizer state ID (1)
Charter authorizer name (2)
Charter authorizer state ID (2)


No grades offered No
PK Grade Offered Yes
KG Grade Offered Yes
Grade 01 Offered Yes
Grade 02 Offered Yes
Grade 03 Offered Yes
Grade 04 Offered Yes
Grade 05 Offered Yes
Grade 06 Offered No
Grade 07 Offered No
Grade 08 Offered No
Grade 09 Offered No
Grade 10 Offered No
Grade 11 Offered No
Grade 12 Offered No
Grade 13 Offered No
UG Grade offered No
Adult education offered No
Grades Offered - Lowest PK
Grades Offered - Highest 05
Grades Offered - Lowest PK
Grades Offered - Highest 05
LEA or school level Elementary

Data Source

This data was provided by National Center for Education Statistics. This database includes information abot 102203 schools in USA.

Nearby Schools

School Name Address Grades From Grades To
Annapolis Middle 1399 Forest Dr, Annapolis, 21403 MD 6th grade 8th grade
Eastport Elementary 420 5th Avenue, Annapolis, 21403 MD Prekindergarten 5th grade
Georgetown East Elementary 111 Dogwood Rd, Annapolis, 21403 MD Prekindergarten 5th grade
Hillsmere Elementary 3052 Arundel On The Bay Rd, Annapolis, 21403 MD Prekindergarten 5th grade
Tyler Heights Elementary 200 Janwall St, Annapolis, 21403 MD Prekindergarten 5th grade

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