Restaurant Information

Facility ID 05Cf69B1E219Cd7
Business Name 98 Hong Kong Cafe
DB Name 98 Hong Kong Cafe
Legal Owner Donald Chen
Last Name Donald Chen
First Name
Licence Number 23190
Licence Status Inactive
Licence Description Eating & Drinking

Inspection Results

Date Result Level Desc Status Comments
2008-03-13 09:00:50 HE_Pass * Premises Maintained Pass remove all empty tonic racks and empty milk crates through-out
2008-03-13 09:00:50 HE_Pass * Fixture's not properly shielded Pass provide protective light shield for all over head lights through-out
2008-03-13 09:00:50 HE_Pass * Improper Maintenance of Floors Pass clean floor under behind and between all equipment and shelves through-out ( counter area kitchen/prep area warewashing area slop sink area and stock room)
2008-03-13 09:00:50 HE_Pass * Hand Cleaner Drying Tissue Signage Pass provide a handwash sign at handwash sink in counter area
2008-03-13 09:00:50 HE_Pass * Food Protection Pass elevate all products six inches from floor through-out ( do not use empty tonic racks )
HE_Fail * Premises Maintained Fail remove all empty tonic racks and empty milk crates through-out
HE_Fail * Fixture's not properly shielded Fail provide protective light shield for all over head lights through-out
HE_Fail * Improper Maintenance of Floors Fail clean floor under behind and between all equipment and shelves through-out ( counter area kitchen/prep area warewashing area slop sink area and stock room)
HE_Fail * Hand Cleaner Drying Tissue Signage Fail provide a handwash sign at handwash sink in counter area
HE_Fail * Food Protection Fail elevate all products six inches from floor through-out ( do not use empty tonic racks )
2007-09-04 13:54:27 HE_Fail *** Location Accessible Pass Hand sick blocked by equipment Remove to allow proper access to properly wash hands
HE_Fail * Non-Food Contact Surfaces Clean Fail Bottom of 1_door fridge with Spills clean to Remove also top of Unit with soils clean to Remove
HE_Fail * Food Protection Fail Scoops sitting in flour containers without handles supply proper handled scoops.
HE_Fail * PHF's Properly Thawed Fail RAW chicken wings sitting on counter thawing thaw under cold Running water of under Refrigeration.

Data Source

This data was provided by Boston Health Division of the Department of Inspectional Services and last updated on Jan 07, 2019. Dataset contains 7784 restaurants inspected in Boston.

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