New York Payroll

We have found 1,031 employees with ASST DIR-HOSPITALS job title in New York.

New York payroll database contains 286,313 registered employees along with their salaries. This data was provided by New York Authorities Budget Office and last updated on Dec 31, 2017.
Name Title Department Salary
CANDACE GOPAUL ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $17,340.82
LINDA CHIU ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $99,738.89
GIANHNA GIL SANCHEZ ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $8,196.83
HARON MASTAKI ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $1,150.10
NELSON LAVERDE ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $68,252.39
ELSWEETA NELSON ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $4,466.28
WENDY GREGG ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $5,693.60
BIBI KHAN ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $51,095.41
STUART ROSENHAUS ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $76,168.24
MICHAEL BARBALAT ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $17,444.49
JUAN TORANZO ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $79,230.60
RAFAL PODOLAK ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $54,792.89
LATOYA HUMPHREY ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $54,146.91
CAROL TURNER ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $53,593.13
AMANDA DITCHIK ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $149.46
SALVADOR DURAN ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $21,873.98
SANDRA PIMENTEL ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $71,421.01
ELISANTA LOPEZ ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $60,891.35
JACQUELINE GONZALEZ MILANES ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $23,780.80
TRISANA COX ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $17,830.21
EDRIS LIBURD ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $33,076.91
JACQUELINE SHAW ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $42,854.16
LAURA NAVARRETE ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $8,710.85
STEPHANIE JUAN ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $8,908.56
SANDRA SPRINGER ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $54,495.92
NEIL MARS ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $64,862.93
EDWIN RIVERA ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $75,411.37
DIANNE JASPER ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $52,930.79
MONIQUE SCOTT ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $16,151.09
D'ANTHONY GRANT ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $65,096.23
CHARMAINE VALENTINE ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $64,777.07
SANDRA FINDLATER ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $14,483.49
JERRY HENDERSON ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $65,071.21
RUBBA AHRAM ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $28,068.88
MIYA BASSARATH ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $80,083.70
GLORIA BEY ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $5,884.47
DOLORES SANTIAGO ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $61,170.56
TERRANCE BYNUM ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $52,532.96
BRENDA MARTINEZ ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $87,794.33
EVELYN RODRIQUEZ ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $62,028.78