New York Payroll

We have found 1,031 employees with ASST DIR-HOSPITALS job title in New York.

New York payroll database contains 286,313 registered employees along with their salaries. This data was provided by New York Authorities Budget Office and last updated on Dec 31, 2017.
Name Title Department Salary
ARGELYS DARDEN ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $52,257.29
JACQUELINE JONES ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $64,635.56
DINA TOLBA ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $18,551.33
LILY YIU ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $82,417.41
ANA RUIZ ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $82,606.45
ANNABEL LICUDINE ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $63,385.74
WILLIAM BARNETT ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $21,748.70
CINDY RAMOS ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $57,273.56
HANK RYU ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $37,855.66
MAMDOU THIAM ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $71,686.16
ANDREA CANTOR ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $22,556.74
MIN XU ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $55,463.09
BILEYSI RUSSELL ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $43,987.25
ROBERT EASON ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $39,800.17
CHRISTIAN CORDERO ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $39,958.46
GINA PATANE ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $17,781.76
MILAGROS MONTIJO ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $47,318.61
HOWARD BIRNBAUM ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $55,688.39
NELSI CALIMENO ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $13,898.94
TASHA RANSOM ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $48,509.76
DONNA ROMERO ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $15,319.42
ZAKIA HOSPEDALES ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $20,926.80
NANCY CUEVAS ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $52,690.31
DORIE LO ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $374.45
CHARLENE GARRETT ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $52,955.08
MARISOL WALKER ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $32,695.78
TIMOTHY O'MARA ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $46,438.87
DENISE ABEL ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $10,164.42
ROSELY LANTIGUA ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $70,276.31
JESSICA MELENDEZ ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $27,183.37
CHERYL PETERSEN ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $64,183.04
GWENDOLYN DEDRICK ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $49,020.83
MARK PRIYEV ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $32,611.72
ERNESTO LLANEZA ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $80,261.79
SAMANTHA CHERNYY ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $23,738.89
REBECCA ALEXANDER ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $83.25
TRISTAN MANANGHAYA ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $45,643.62
SAM LI ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $61,941.74
ANI YESSAYAN ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $86,468.88
ANGELA COOPER ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $62,482.14