New York Payroll

We have found 1,031 employees with ASST DIR-HOSPITALS job title in New York.

New York payroll database contains 286,313 registered employees along with their salaries. This data was provided by New York Authorities Budget Office and last updated on Dec 31, 2017.
Name Title Department Salary
NABIN POKHAREL ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $33,645.22
ALEJANDRO ORTEGA ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $27,830.84
LAWRENCE SCOTT III ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $53,025.04
MARY HAN ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $30,855.22
NATHALIE CRUZ ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $26,123.46
YULIYA MELAMUD ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $69,555.59
MYRNA GALINDEZ ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $63,776.70
LINDA STEVENS ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $846.67
RACHELLE SEVERE-DORVIL ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $5,278.69
DELORES ISABELL ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $9,250.90
OLGA ORTEGA ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $61,007.45
RICHARD CASTRO ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $42,442.69
GLENN WILSON ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $63,880.53
SCOTT OGDEN ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $34,012.44
SAMANTHA FOREMAN ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $114.13
SOCRATES BRITO ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $71,857.97
JOSEPH AREMU ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $14,941.68
DEIBY BARRIENTOS ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $55,649.78
BRITTANY WRIGHT ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $38,543.03
JIAN LIN ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $3,511.90
SEPHORA GERMAIN ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $1,290.85
MICHAEL BOSCO ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $34,470.18
WILLIAM WORTHY ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $77,435.24
VICTOR DURAN ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $43,074.69
MEREDITH FARRELL ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $1,109.26
NELLIE LICIAGA ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $72,056.90
IVY INGBER ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $44,132.55
JOANN FRANK ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $36,346.34
AOWN SYED ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $13,942.25
LISSETTE VERDE ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $12,359.73
SASSKIA JARA ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $53,325.55
SHARON KEMP ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $13,000.07
AUDREY BONANNO-WILLIAMS ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $96,830.13
AMANDA BART ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $66,659.78
EILEEN FRANCISCO-CABUS ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $16,474.90
GUILLERMINA MARTINEZ ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $15,274.78
JOAN CALLAHAN ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $41,131.28
DEBORA WILLIAMS ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $85,255.48
PHILIPS ROBLES ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $68,580.83
DAVID MEYEREND ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $30,036.88