New York Payroll

We have found 1,031 employees with ASST DIR-HOSPITALS job title in New York.

New York payroll database contains 286,313 registered employees along with their salaries. This data was provided by New York Authorities Budget Office and last updated on Dec 31, 2017.
Name Title Department Salary
TONI D'ALESSANDRO ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $11,146.96
SAUD KHAN ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $52,719.82
KAREN GRENNAN ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $15,454.48
JANICE RAMSEY ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $59,702.58
JAYVEEH NAVARRO ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $13,123.65
SAMUEL OKPALA ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $75,792.23
THERESA GARCIA ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $60,535.63
STEPHANIE KOZACHEK ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $70,537.45
MAXINE SLOLEY RAYMOND ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $46,581.09
MARSHA PAUL- BULL ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $46,656.37
MOHAMMAD SHARAFI ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $63,385.10
CLOVER WEBB ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $45,891.36
JOYCEANN TAYLOR ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $31,103.87
JAMES FINK ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $64,970.49
MELISSA WHITTAKER ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $32,258.93
CHANTAL DELOUIS ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $1,039.44
SHRUTI KUMAR ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $8,904.06
SEQUOIA KING ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $43,653.32
COEURGELITA SOMMERVIL ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $52,067.16
AUDREY BONANNO ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $83,674.52
IKE GARDENER ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $28,935.83
SHAWN FLYNN ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $15,990.57
KELLY AVILES ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $7,935.92
JONATHAN RICHARDS ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $62,850.51
MARGARET ROBINSON-CARTER ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $87,135.34
ALEXANDER CRISTOBAL ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $104,890.18
ADRIANO SOSA ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $66,328.41
JOHN FANELLI ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $5,197.50
ANDREW HIGGINS ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $72,771.82
JEAN-MARC SIMS ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $24,568.52
ALBANIA VENTURA ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $583.47
ASHLEY SMITH ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $38,164.00
CORTEZ HIGHLAND ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $24,950.10
RICKEY PANKEN ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $70,770.65
ARMANDO PANTOJA ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $61,654.85
RENEE HERRING ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $46,856.51
VALERIE MARLOWE-AGARD ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $81,536.45
DAVID WHITE ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $36,928.10
CARMEN VIDAL ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $1,794.39
ANTONIO MONTALVO ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $76,688.86