New York Payroll

We have found 1,031 employees with ASST DIR-HOSPITALS job title in New York.

New York payroll database contains 286,313 registered employees along with their salaries. This data was provided by New York Authorities Budget Office and last updated on Dec 31, 2017.
Name Title Department Salary
MONIQUE MORRIS ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $13,924.19
ANTHONY SOOKRAM ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $36,380.63
BOGDANA KRINITSKIY ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $35,890.03
EDWARD CHILDS ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $54,387.95
DIANABEL CASTRO ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $69,883.02
ARTHUR LINDO ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $53,659.44
JOSEPH FREDERICK ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $65,510.91
LINDA COLLAZZI ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $80,908.40
DAISY REYES ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $64,635.56
JUNIOR REYES ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $27,441.00
JUANITA BROWN ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $31,091.58
URSILYN SWINDELL ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $63,019.89
NADINE ARCHER ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $63,520.34
JOSEPHINE LEDESMA ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $18,390.91
DIANA TORRES-CABALLERO ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $10,340.73
MARIE DANIEL ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $28,690.14
LYNETTE RICHARDSON ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $36,891.49
BENJAMIN AZINGE ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $47,708.61
DAVID FUNG ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $56,511.41
LUISA RIVERA ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $72,323.00
MELISSA WALTERS ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $63,288.76
ANIS MIN ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $70,387.53
STEPHANIE PACHTER ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $64,408.64
ANA COSME ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $58,294.53
JOY WINDLEY ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $52,880.71
MARISOL GONZALEZ ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $31,451.66
MAGDALENA SAN MIGUEL ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $46,145.76
ANGELA NEWMAN ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $55,644.12
LATOYA JACKSON SMITH ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $79,225.36
JEAN ARMAND ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $70,176.70
SAMANTHA ESSON ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $24,182.19
LAURIE HANDLER ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $22,395.91
MARCUS BLACK ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $41,787.96
VIDA CHAVEZ ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $30,346.27
HELEN WILLIAMS ELMIGER ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $250.00
SHAMEEK HARRISON ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $6,454.58
LILY MADERA ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $75,405.38
DENNY PAULINO ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $36,663.07
AUDRIENNE BOYD ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $68,643.70
ROBERT CARNEY ASST DIR-HOSPITALS New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation $83,185.61