Los Angeles County Payroll

We have found 9 employees with CLERK job title in Los Angeles County.

Los Angeles County payroll database contains 140,744 registered employees along with their salaries. This data was provided by Los Angeles County Auditor Controller and last updated on Feb 22, 2019.
Name Title Department Salary
SHIRLEY PENNYWELL CLERK LAC+USC Healthcare Network $36,639.00
PAUL LOPEZ CLERK Public Social Services Dept $33,324.00
BETTY JUDDINE CLERK Mental Health $33,681.00
MICHELE GAINES CLERK MetroCare Network $37,192.00
JAMES WILLIAMS JR CLERK Public Social Services Dept $33,469.00
MARVIN BONILLA CLERK Child Support Services $300.00
JORGE FUENTES CLERK Community and Senior Services $11,676.20
MONICA BOTELLO CLERK Mental Health $13,727.00
BARBARA JOHNSON CLERK Public Works Department $33,829.00